In an op-ed in NYT today Frank Smyth says the great majority of Iraqi>Shi'is are Akhbaris, and hence do not follow the clerical leadership>characteristic of the rival school, dominant in Iran, the Usulis.>(Akhbaris believe in the ability of all believers to interpret the>Traditions, akhbar, of the Imams, while Usulis say all believers must>follow the rulings of a top mojtahed, now known as grand ayatollahs). Is>this really true re Iraqi Shi'a?--I would like Juan Cole and others who>know Iraqi Shi'ism to comment. In the op-ed it is used as an argument of>why we should not be afraid that Iraqi Shi'is"> In an op-ed in NYT today Frank Smyth says the great majority of Iraqi>Shi'is are Akhbaris, and hence do not follow the clerical leadership>characteristic of the rival school, dominant in Iran, the Usulis.>(Akhbaris believe in the ability of all believers to interpret the>Traditions, akhbar, of the Imams, while Usulis say all believers must>follow the rulings of a top mojtahed, now known as grand ayatollahs). Is>this really true re Iraqi Shi'a?--I would like Juan Cole and others who>know Iraqi Shi'ism to comment. In the op-ed it is used as an argument of>why we should not be afraid that Iraqi Shi'is">