My opinion piece in the Daily Star covers some of the same ground as postings here earlier in the week, but also makes some new points: Sistani throws down a gauntlet Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has intervened forcefully in Iraqi politics. In a fatwa, or legal ruling, issued on July 1, he denounced US civil […]
Archives for July 2003
Happy Fourth To All Americans In Iraq
* A happy Fourth to all the Americans in Iraq, where I know I have some readers. Hope you can all be back home soon, safe and sound. And to my Iraqi friends, I wish you well with the sentiments we celebrate on the Fourth – We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all […]
Us Is Bogged Down In Low Intensity
*The US is bogged down in a low-intensity guerrilla war in Iraq, with daily attacks that for the most part go unmentioned in the Western press, including grenade, mortar and rocket propelled grenade assaults on Anglo-American military and on Iraqi police personnel and facilities. So reports Richard Sale, the intrepid terrorism correspondent of UPI. He […]
For Some Odd Reason My July 1 Posting
For some odd reason, my July 1 posting of Sistani’s fatwa is not being archived by the new blogger software, so I am attempting to repost it here so it can be linked to. Tuesday, July 01, 2003 *Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has entered Iraqi politics in an unexpectedly big way. He has denounced US […]
Here Is What Tuesdays Events In Iraq
*Here is what Tuesday’s events in Iraq looked like to Kuwait’s Arab Times: “Six more American soldiers were wounded in Iraq on Tuesday and a fatal blast at a mosque fuelled Muslim anger toward US forces, all within hours of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld insisting Iraq was no new Vietnam. Three soldiers were hurt near […]
Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani Has Entered
*Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has entered Iraqi politics in an unexpectedly big way. He has denounced US administrator Paul Bremer’s plan to appoint a large constitutional committee to write a new Iraqi constitution. He insists that Bremer has no such authority, and that delegates to an Iraqi constitutional convention must be elected by the Iraqi […]