Liberal Blogosphere for Hurricane Relief
Kari Chisholm and Chris Bowers write
‘Hurricane Katrina has devastated thousands of lives. Today, we’re announcing a coordinated effort by the liberal/progressive blogosphere to help the victims of the devastation. Together, we’re going to raise $1 million for the American Red Cross – and prove that the liberal blogosphere can help our fellow citizens in need. Make a donation for hurricane relief.
As President Clinton once said, “There’s nothing wrong with America that can’t be fixed by what’s right with America.”
The most prominent lefty blogs in the nation, represented by the Liberal Blog Advertising Network, are leading the way by running donated ads and asking readers to join us in making a difference. Combined, these blogs will display their ads over 12 million times each week over the course of the campaign.
Of course, we invite all progressive bloggers to participate in our community-wide campaign – both BlogAds subscribers and non-subscribers. Get the HTML to post the ads on your own blog or website.
This effort is a combined effort of four organizations:
* The Liberal Blog Advertising Network who are donating their ad space.
* – producing the creative and organizing the campaign.
* – donating their advertising infrastructure to deploy the ads.
* – providing the mechanism for tracking our progress.All of the proceeds will be sent to the Red Cross. Donations are being tracked by Drop Cash. Transactions are secured through Paypal. You can be certain that your contribution will be secure, for a good cause, and people will know it came from the liberal blogosphere.
Thank you. Together, we can do this.
Kari Chisholm, Mandate Media
Chris Bowers,, Liberal Blog Ad Network’
Juan: There is a link in the ad to the right. Be persistent if you don’t get through to paypal the first time– there is a lot of pressure on the server. But you can get through. We’ve already met 2% of the goal of $1 million. Please help us give this money to the Katrina victims via the Red Cross.