Call Congress!
I got this from the CNI. I agree. Please let Congress know that Israel’s Total War on Lebanon (they hit the Saint Therese Hospital today) is unacceptable. Please take a moment to call or email your congressional representatives. There is a link on the right to or the below message gives a link.
Update: I am told that the vote was postponed. All the more reason to call and express your views. Ask them why we had to evacuate 25,000 Americans if civilian non-combatants are not being put in extreme danger by indiscriminate Israeli bombing?
Also, support the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee. (Warning: More graphic photos).
Call Your Representative Now!Oppose Unbalanced Resolution Supporting Israel’s Attacks on Lebanon and Gaza
House Vote Scheduled for TodayThe Council for the National Interest has learned that the House of Representatives will vote sometime today on an unbalanced resolution on the current crisis between Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinians. The bill, H.Res. 921 [apparently this number is incorrect], includes no criticism of the month of Israeli attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza and Lebanon, which have been carried out with American-made weapons paid for with U.S. taxpayer money. A Senate version of the bill passed by a voice vote (meaning there was no recorded vote) yesterday.
The Council for the National Interest encourages its members to call their member of Congress immediately to express their opposition to this bill for its lack of balance. You can reach your Representative’s office by calling the main House switchboard at (202) 225-3121 or by looking of the number at this website:
The House is scheduled to start at least two hours of debate on the resolution shortly, which you can watch live on C-SPAN.
Israel’s attacks on innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza and Lebanon are a violation of U.S. law, specifically the U.S. Arms Export Control Act and the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act. The U.S. Arms Export Control Act restricts the use of U.S. weapons to legitimate self-defense and internal policing; U.S. weapons cannot be used to attack civilians in offensive operations. The U.S. Foreign Assistance Act prohibits U.S. aid of any kind to a country with a pattern of gross human rights violations.
Israel’s attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza and Lebanon are examples of collective punishment, which are prohibited under the Geneva Conventions.
Continued Israeli actions against the civilian population of Gaza and Lebanon are not only against U.S. laws and the Geneva Conventions, which Israel has reportedly been given a “green light” to continue for another week by the Administration, but they are destroying the American ability to fight the war on terror. They are also destroying Israel’s ability to make peace with her neighbors through negotiations, the only real road to security for the state of Israel.
Council for the National Interest Foundation
1250 4th Street SW, Suite WG-1
Washington, District of Columbia 20024