Because the main point of the Republican Party is to throw more money to the super-rich, the poor thing has to find something else to talk about that will take peoples’ minds off this central message, which can’t appeal to more than one percent of the population. It seems to me that this unpalatable campaign message accounts for the party’s propensity to throw up lunatics as its leaders. Since no one would vote for their pockets to be picked by avaricious billionaires, the party gives us bread and circuses and bearded ladies. And witches and exorcisms. Get us talking about anything but the real point, which is to make the rich richer and the rest of us poorer (in which it has largely succeeded). Well, at least if they are going to rob us blind, they are entertaining muggers:
Cenk reacts to Christine O’Donnell’s admission of the youthful indiscretion of Satanism.
And, a trip down memory lane– Sarah Palin’s exorcism, which apparently did not work.