( Tomdispatch.com) – The impeachment of the president of the United States! Surely such a mega-historic event would reverberate for weeks or months, leaving in its wake no end of consequences, large and small. Wouldn’t it? Shouldn’t it? Truth to tell, the word historic does get tossed around rather loosely these days. Just about anything […]
The Miseries of being a Hyper-Power: How America Squandered its Cold War Victory
(Tomdispatch.com – Thirty years ago this month, President George H.W. Bush appeared before a joint session of Congress to deliver his first State of the Union Address, the first post-Cold War observance of this annual ritual. Just weeks before, the Berlin Wall had fallen. That event, the president declared, “marks the beginning of a new […]
Too Inept to end the fruitless US Forever Wars: Trump v. the National Security State
(Tomdispatch.com) – Let us stipulate at the outset that Donald Trump is a vulgar and dishonest fraud without a principled bone in his corpulent frame. Yet history is nothing if not a tale overflowing with irony. Despite his massive shortcomings, President Trump appears intent on recalibrating America’s role in the world. Initiating a long-overdue process […]
High Crimes and Misdemeanors of the Fading American Century
(Tomdispatch.com ) – There is blood in the water and frenzied sharks are closing in for the kill. Or so they think. From the time of Donald Trump’s election, American elites have hungered for this moment. At long last, they have the 45th president of the United States cornered. In typically ham-handed fashion, Trump has […]
Reflections on “Peace” in Afghanistan; Leaving a Misguided War and Choosing Not to Look Back
( Tomdispatch.com) – When the conflict that the Vietnamese refer to as the American War ended in April 1975, I was a U.S. Army captain attending a course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. In those days, the student body at any of our Army’s myriad schools typically included officers from the Army of the Republic of […]
From Concentration Camps to Environmental Collapse: How America became a Dystopian Nightmare
( Tomdispatch.com ) – [Editorial note: This remnant of a manuscript, discovered in a vault near the coastal town of Walpole, Massachusetts, appears to have been part of a larger project, probablyenvisioned as an interpretive history of the United States since the year 2000. Only a single chapter, probably written near the midpoint of the […]
No, Neocons, it Isn’t Always 1939, and WW II wasn’t such a ‘Good War’
(Tomdispatch.com) – How best to describe the recently completed allied commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of France? Two words come immediately to mind: heartfelt and poignant. The aged D-Day veterans gathering for what was probably the last time richly deserved every bit of praise bestowed on them. Yet one particular refrain […]
Our ~8,000 Military Dead in US Mideast Wars: ‘Words sacred, glorious, and sacrifice and the expression in vain’
(Tomdispatch.com) – Earlier this month, I spent a day visiting Marseilles to videotape a documentary about recent American military history, specifically the ongoing wars that most of us prefer not to think about. Lest there be any confusion, let me be more specific. I am not referring to Marseilles (mar-SAY), France, that nation’s largest port […]
Top 7 Illusions about Government that Trump Demolished
Irony, paradox, contradiction, consternation — these define the times in which we live.