Still, I find myself wondering: If a proposed troop drawdown in Afghanistan qualifies as a “mistake”
Into the Maws of the Lost “Long War”: Trump sends Abizaid to Saudi Arabia
The Long War has now lasted twice as long as the average length of marriages in the US
Dear Elizabeth Warren: Run for President, Challenge the Blob and End the Wars
Boston ( | – Senator Elizabeth Warren 317 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. Dear Senator Warren: As a constituent, I have noted with interest your suggestion that you will “take a hard look” at running for president in 2020, even as you campaign for reelection to the Senate next month. Forgive me for saying […]
The Irrelevance of Trump: America was a Plutocratic Nat’l Security State and Still Is
Boston ( – Donald Trump’s tenure as the 45th U.S. president may last another few weeks, another year, or another 16 months. However unsettling the prospect, the leaky vessel that is the S.S. Trump might even manage to stay afloat for a second term. Nonetheless, recent headline-making revelations suggest that, like some derelict ship […]
When “Infinite War” becomes a Gravy Train in the United States of Amnesia
We’re repeating the Costly Mistakes of WW I Today