Tiffin, Ohio (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – No sooner had the announcement about a new policy for Ukraine from the Trump administration been made than the cries of “appeasement! Munich! Hitler! Neville Chamberlain” began to ring out from almost all corners of the mediaverse. The lessons to be learned from the events in Munich […]
Think Again: Do You Think the US Economy Performs better under Republican Administrations?
Tiffin, Ohio (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Quite a few people believe things that are not true, but that do not do much harm. The 70 percent of Americans who believe in angels would be an example of this. On the other hand, some false notions have real-world negative consequences. We will show briefly below […]
What the World needs Now is another Winter Truce
Tiffin, Oh. (Special to Informed Comment) – An iconic song back in the 1960’s addressed the causes of war, and what leads young people to fight in them. Buffy Saint Marie’s Universal Soldier advised that we could end war if soldiers refused to fight. So what if we gave her idea a test this Winter? […]
Hacking the Political Lexicon: They aren’t Conspiracy Theories, they’re Disinformation Plots
Tiffin, Ohio (- Special to Informed Comment) – Some time ago, several millennia in fact, a wise man known as Confucius admonished the Chinese people to “call things by their proper names” in order to better perceive and grapple with reality, and to avoid disorder. It is said that he was among the first to […]
How to Avoid War: Why it is time for a Neutral, Demilitarized Eastern Europe
Tiffin, Oh. (Special to Informed Comment) – Europe has been a flash point for war among both great and small powers for centuries. Conflicts beginning there have been known to spill over outside Europe, sometimes encompassing nearly the entire planet. These wars have unleashed untold human suffering and death, destroyed entire societies and produced campaigns […]
Why does Trump get a Pass for Pledging Economic Populism, but they Ask Sanders about the Cost?
Tiffin, Ohio (Special to Informed Comment) – It may come as a shock, but Presidential candidates Trump and Sanders have made a number of similar policy commitments. How are we to make sense of this? Need some evidence? Both Sanders and Trump have called for affordable health care for all. Sanders’ support for Medicare for […]