TeleSur The findings of a new bolster climate justice movement arguments that transitioning to renewables will not only save the planet but save the economy. The U.S. Department of Energy found that in 2016 solar and wind industries created more electricity generating jobs than coal, oil, and gas combined, despite the fact that renewables […]
Telling the difference between Friends and Strange Bedfellows in the Age of Trump
By Rebecca Gordon | ( ) | – – You know you’re living in a looking-glass world when former Vice President Dick Cheney speaks out against one of Donald Trump’s executive orders. He’s a good example of how past adversaries of movements for peace and justice are lining up against our current adversary, the […]
As 100K Iranians Protest Trump; some thank Americans for defending Muslims
TeleSur | – – Hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallied on Friday to swear allegiance to their clerical leaders and reject U.S. President Donald Trump’s warning that he had put the Islamic Republic “on notice,” state TV reported. On the anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, marchers […]
Is Steven Bannon marching America toward Messianic Apocalypse?
By John Feffer | (Foreign Policy in Focus) | – – What does it mean for international relations when the most powerful country in the world becomes a pariah state? [In] Der Spiegel’s instantly infamous Donald Trump cover Donald Trump is holding up the severed head of the Statue of Liberty. It’s a striking image […]
White House, Inc.: Kellyanne Con Artist Pitches Ivanka Line
TeleSur | – – Ivanka Trump has said she would step away from her company when her father took office in the White House. A top aide to U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday promoted the clothing and jewelry line named after his daughter Ivanka, one day after the president’s tweet criticizing a retailer for […]
Somali Muslims in MN mobilize for Love and Tolerance
By Christopher Zumski Finke | ( Yes! Magazine ) | – – The large refugee community in Minnesota is a big target for bigotry, and tensions are expected to get worse. But they’ve got a plan. In November 2015, Asma Jama, a Somali-born woman living in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, was waiting for her pasta […]
Turkey’s Referendum on a Presidential System provokes Fears on Both Sides
By Ali Murat Yel | (Informed Comment) | – – Turkey is facing a possible referendum in April regarding a constitutional amendment that would change the current system from a parliamentary to a presidential one. Despite heated debates in the public arena, in which the left has alleged that a presidential system will move Turkey […]
The Catch-22 of Trump’s Muslim Ban: First, Bomb them, then Demand Vetting
By M. Safa Saracoglu | (Informed Comment) | – – On January 30, 2017, the President issued an executive order suspending entry of people from seven countries for 90 days. This ban proclaimed that people coming from these nations “would be detrimental to the interests of the US.” The suspension was designed to “temporarily reduce […]
We want our Muslim Physicians Back! How America reclaimed a victim of Injustice
By Charles Ornstein | (ProPublica) | – – In a clandestine mission that had the makings of a hostage rescue, the Cleveland Clinic and its lawyers arranged for medical resident Suha Abushamma to fly back to the United States yesterday, more than a week after she was forced to leave because of President Donald Trump’s […]