Courtney Freer | (The Conversation) | – – Saudi Arabia has released details of its Vision 2030 – an immensely ambitious plan which Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman says will end the Kingdom’s dependence on oil by 2020. To help reach that goal, the plan details major targets, such as the establishment of a […]
Larry Wilmore horrifies White Washington by bringing Up Race at WH Dinner
Larry Wilmore | (White House Correspondents Dinner Video) | – – C-Span: “Larry Wilmore COMPLETE REMARKS at 2016 White House Correspondents’ Dinner (C-SPAN)”
With more Women than Clerics, will Iran’s new Parliament improve Women’s Rights?
Leila Alikarami | (Open Democracy) | – – The problem was the Guardian Council, a body which has veto authority over any legislature, which in this case rejected all 33 bills introduced by women deputies. Parvaneh Salahshouri in the conference of elected moderates and reformists of Iran, March 2016. Wikicommons/ Hamed Malekpour. Some rights reserved.Seventeen […]
When Islamophobia Turns Violent: The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections
By Engy Abdelkader w/ research team Jordan Denari, Nathan Lean | (Bridge Initiative) | – – This report highlights trends and patterns surrounding Islamophobia since the start of the 2016 U.S. presidential election cycle. It does so in the broader context of hatred, violence and social hostilities confronting Muslims as a minority faith group in […]
Curtains for Trans Atlantic Trade Deal? Greenpeace Leak Exposes Corporate Takeover
By Deirdre Fulton | ( ) | – – The secret documents represent roughly two-thirds of the latest negotiating text, and in several cases expose for the first time the position of the U.S. Confirming that the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership amounts to “a huge transfer of power from people to big business,” […]
Saudi Arabia: Foreign Workers Burn Buses After Massive Layoffs
TeleSur | – – The workers set at least seven buses on fire to protest Binladen construction group firing of at least 70,000 laborers after six months of no pay. Foreign workers at one of Saudi Arabia’s largest construction companies, Binladin group, set fire to at least seven buses in protest of being fired from […]
Trumping Terrorism with Torture?
By Rebecca Gordon | (Informed Comment) | – – Why do Republican candidates for the presidency keep promising to commit war crimes? Donald Trump guarantees he’ll torture terrorists and “take out their families.” Ted Cruz offers to carpet bomb ISIS (and anyone else in their vicinity) to oblivion. Even kindly pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson—when pressed […]
US spends as much as next 11 countries on War Industries; why do Cruz/Trump want to Spend More?
Bear F. Braumoeller | (The Conversation) | – – One of the prominent themes in this year’s presidential primaries is the state of the American military. In his April 27 foreign policy speech, Republican front-runner Donald Trump summed up the majority view of the GOP: [W]e have to rebuild our military and our economy. The […]
After Obama-Salman Summit, will Saudi finally rein in Wahhabi Radicalism?
Christopher R. Hill | Project Syndicate | – – DENVER – US President Barack Obama supposedly “cleared the air” with Saudi King Salman before the latest meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s capital. Given how strained the bilateral relationship is – a situation long in the making – that was probably […]