By Jon Queally, staff writer | ( | – – Asked if he could actually see himself supporting Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical general election against Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or John Kasich – billionaire rightwinger Charles Koch smiled, but didn’t say no. (Image: Screenshot/ABC News) When the oligarchs speak, take it with a grain […]
Defeating ISIL in Iraq while Protecting Civilians: Don’t destroy Mosul to “Save” It
Human Rights Watch | – – (Beirut) – Iraqi government forces gearing up to drive Islamic State fighters from Mosul should prioritize protection of civilians. Hundreds of thousands of civilians remain in Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, which the extremist group Islamic State, also known as ISIS, took control of in June 2014. ISIS and pro-government […]
Not al-Qaeda: Abu Zubayda as Bush’s Mengele Experiment
By Rebecca Gordon | ( | – – Intro: Rebecca Gordon catches the nightmarish quality of those [Bush] years, now largely buried, in the grim case of a single mistreated human being. It should make Americans shudder. She has also just published a new book, American Nuremberg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial […]
Trump’s Bad ideas are just our Current Practices on Steroids
By Janine Jackson | ( | – – Mass deportations? Attacks on innocent [non-]combatants? Punishing abortion restrictions? They’re all happening already. Readers of The Boston Globe were recently treated to an unusual spectacle — a parody front page and insert filled with mock stories of how a Donald Trump presidency might play out. “Deportations […]
Berlin Pirate Party Leader Arrested for Erdogan Insult
TeleSur | – – Bruno Kramm was arrested while protesting against a German law allowing the prosecution of citizens for insulting foreign leaders. The head of Berlin’s Pirate Party branch has been jailed after protesting Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to the Pirate Party’s news agency, Pirate Times. Bruno Kramm was arrested in […]
NYU grad student union votes to boycott, divest from Israel
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A graduate student union at New York University on Friday voted in favor of joining the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights. Two-thirds of the Graduate Student Organizing Committee cast a vote in support of the resolution, which calls on […]
US confused over Russia’s real intentions in Syria
By | – – Russia’s latest military moves in Syria have sharpened divisions within the US administration over whether Russian President Vladimir Putin genuinely backs a UN-led initiative to end the civil war or is using the negotiations to mask renewed military support for Syrian President Bashar Assad. Russia has repositioned artillery near the […]
Why Burqa Veils Are Illegal In Some Countries
Laura Ling | (TestTube Video Report) | – – “Face veils are often viewed as a symbol of modesty in Islam, but many governments have put restrictions on them. So where are burqas banned around the world?” TestTube: ” Why Burqas Are Illegal In Some Countries”
Love and Wine (Poem of the Day: Abu Nuwas of Baghdad)
Abū Nuwas al-Hasan ibn Hanī al-Hakamī (756–814) | Love and Wine | – – Ho! a cup, and fill it up, and tell me it is wine, For never will I drink in shade if I can drink in shine. Curst and poor is every hour that sober I must go, But rich am I […]