Walt Whitman | Leaves of Grass | – – To the East and to the West To the East and to the West, To the man of the Seaside State and of Pennsylvania, To the Kanadian of the north, to the Southerner I love, These with perfect trust to depict you as myself, the germs […]
Bernie Sanders at Vatican: Pope has played historical Role in trying to Create a new World Economy
Rome Reports in English | (Video News Report) | – – Rome Reports: “Bernie Sanders speaks at the Vatican”
Is Exxon a James Bond Villain? Hiding from us its knowledge of Climate Change for Decades
Dena Takruri | (AJ+ Video Report) | – – “Melting ice caps, rising sea levels, global warming – Exxon was aware of the risks of climate change well before much of the world. Instead of taking action, they pushed hard against legislation that would have cut CO2 emissions, including the Kyoto Protocol.” AJ+: ” Exxon […]
Israeli Parliamentary committee debates racial discrimination in maternity wards
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A meeting of a Knesset committee held Wednesday debated the issue of segregation between Palestinian and Jewish women in Israeli maternity wards, following media reports and allegations of racial discrimination in Israel’s hospitals, according to a Knesset press release. A recent report by Israel Radio exposed […]
Daesh and Territorial Control Reconsidered
By Michael Degerald | ( History X ISIS ) | – – It might seem strange to open this essay by speaking about circulation and vitality in regard to Daesh [ISIS, ISIL]. Yet when we think of a nation-state, circulation is rarely the first thing that comes to our minds. Imagine a room where air […]
IS GOP aiming for 21st Century White Apartheid in America?
Arun Gupta | ( TeleSur ) | – – To compete on a national level the Republican right is creating a system of intersectional apartheid. No matter what happens with Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency, the Republican Party has a bright future as a party of patriarchal white nationalism. Its grip on white support […]
This Muslim American Life, between Trump and Aziz Ansari: Moustafa Bayoumi Is a Scribe on a Quest
by Neda Simaika and Raihan Faroqui | (informed Comment) | – – The award-winning author and professor of English at Brooklyn College (CUNY), Moustafa Bayoumi, discusses the fight to protect American values for all people (including Muslim Americans), a healthy dose of imagination, and the Netflix original series, Master of None. Q. In your recent […]
The Euphemisms of War and Covering up American Military Failure
By William J. Astore | ( Tomdispatch.com) | – – Introduction | By Tom Engelhardt | – – At the moment, there are a maximum of 3,870 U.S. military personnel (or 7,740 actual boots on the ground) in Iraq supporting the war against the Islamic State. That’s the “official cap” imposed by the Obama administration, […]
US Slams Israel over Extrajudicial Killings, Torture & Racism then Meekly offers extra Billions
TeleSur In a rare move by Washington, the 2016 U.S. report on human rights said Israel unlawfully killed over 70 Palestinians and tries minors in military courts. The United States accused Israeli Defense Forces of “excessive use of force” in the Palestinian territories, and “arbitrary arrest and associated torture and abuse, often with impunity,” as […]