Euronews | (Video News Report) – – “The country’s “top-selling newspaper reopened on Saturday”following a state takeover and police raid. But the staff has experienced a shake up, with reports of editor-in-chief Abdulhamit Bilici and columnist Bulent Kenes being sacked.” Euronews: “‘A dark day for Turkish democracy’: violent clashes follow Zaman takeover”
Why did Ted Cruz win Saturday? Is this a Turning point against Trump?
Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore | (The Young Turks Video Report) | – – “Ted Cruz has won Kansas and Maine. Can he mount a serious comeback? Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (ThinkTank), and Jimmy Dore, hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down.” The Young Turks: “Ted Cruz Making A Comeback?”
The New York Times Presents Islam More Negatively than Cancer and Cocaine
TeleSur | – – Researchers say they were shocked to learn that Islam receives more negative coverage than cancer. The New York Times portrays Islam and Muslims more negatively than cancer, cocaine and alcohol, according to a report that studied the newspaper’s headlines. “Since 9/11, many media outlets began profiteering from the anti-Muslim climate. Though you could […]
Climate change will kill more Italians and Greeks than Syrians
By James Crisp | | – – Climate change will kill more Italians and Greeks than Syrians in 2050, as soaring temperatures destroy crops and disrupt food supplies, new research published in medical journal The Lancet has found. About 124 Greeks will die for every million of its population in 2050, making it the […]
Numbers Game: Can the Republican Establishment still Defeat Trump?
Francesca Fiorentini | (AJ+ Video Report) | – – “Donald Trump is well on his way to the Republican nomination for president. But Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich think they can stop him. Here’s how.” AJ+: ” Can Donald Trump Be Stopped?”
Nine Takeaways From Iran’s Elections
By Golnaz Esfandiari | ( RFE/RL) | – – Iran's moderates and reformists have had nearly a week to celebrate their return from a decade of political marginalization in elections that recast the ranks of the parliament and the clerically dominated Assembly of Experts, which selects and oversees the supreme leader. But how much has […]
Has Western intervention prolonged the Syrian Civil War? & has our Press Covered it up?
By Ian Sinclair | ( Open Democracy ) | – – The media keeps saying that the West isn’t involved in Syria. This isn’t true. “The sinister fact about literary censorship in England is that it is largely voluntary”, George Orwell noted in his censored preface to his 1945 book Animal Farm. “Unpopular ideas can […]
No, Mr. Netanyahu, Hamas is not exactly like ISIL
By: Belal Shobaki | Ma’an News Agency | al-Shabaka | – – While Israel’s efforts to link Palestinian resistance to its military occupation to global terrorism are not new, it has expanded its propaganda to address Arab as well as Western audiences. By so doing, it is clearly seeking to exploit the global aversion to […]
US Airstrikes have made Hundreds of Thousands of Widows, Orphans in past 15 Yrs; GOP Pledges New level of War Crimes
By Mattea Kramer | ( | – – The crowd that gathered in an airplane hangar in the desert roared with excitement when the man on stage vowed to murder women and children. It was just another Donald Trump campaign event, and the candidate had affirmed his previously made pledge not only to kill […]