AJ+ | – – “The death of about 8,000 Alaskan birds might be due to unusually warm waters. “Seabirds are indicators of the health of the ecosystem. Now they’re dying, and that is telling us something.” AJ+: “Mass Death Of Alaskan Birds Might Be Linked To Climate Change
The Oil Pricequake: From Russia to Saudi Arabia & Iran, a suddenly Perilous World
By Michael T. Klare | ( Tomdispatch.com) | – – As 2015 drew to a close, many in the global energy industry were praying that the price of oil would bounce back from the abyss, restoring the petroleum-centric world of the past half-century. All evidence, however, points to a continuing depression in oil prices in […]
Prince of Araby: The reckless power behind the Saudi throne
By Susan de Muth | ( OpenDemocracy) | – – King Salman’s son Mohammad seems to be piloting Saudi Arabia into a series of ever more risky adventures. In the past year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has abandoned the cautious fence-sitting that long characterised its diplomatic style in favour of an unprecedented, hawkish antagonism. […]
New Polls: Is Bernie Sanders *more* electable than Sec. Clinton?
Cenk Uygur | (The Young Turks Video Report) | – – “Here comes Bernie! New polls show Hillary Clinton’s Iowa lead is all but gone… within the margin of error. She has been put on Bern notice. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down . . . “Democrats Hillary Clinton and […]
Putin: Syria’s Al-Assad welcome to Refuge in Russia
Vladimir Putin | (Der Bild) | – – Excerpt from part II of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview in the German publication, Der Bild, on Jan. 12, 2016, according to the Kremlin website. Highlight: Putin admits that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has made many errors, and says that if necessary he can have asylum in […]
The Best Way to Close Guantanamo? Give It Back to Cuba
By Alli McCracken | (Foreign Policy in Focus) | – – In one fell swoop, President Obama could erase the stain of Guantanamo and make major headway on normalization with Cuba. President Obama should be given props for the progress made in thawing U.S.-Cuban relations, but there’s a piece of unfinished business on the island […]
Politics, not just Bombs, will defeat ISIL/ Daesh
By Frank-Walter Steinmeier | (Project Syndicate) | – – BERLIN – The November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris – which struck at the heart of France and of Europe as a whole – have brought the terrorist threat posed by the [so-called] Islamic State [group] (ISIS) to the forefront of the foreign-policy agenda. For me, […]
Why Arson was suspected in Fire at Offices of Israeli Human Rights & Peace Group B’Tselem
Nir Hasson | Haaretz | (Video News Report) | – – Update: N.B. an investigation by the Jerusalem fire brigade appears to have concluded that an electrical wiring fault was responsible for the fire at the offices of B’Tselem. Initial reports by Haaretz and others, as below, suspected arson. The reason is that a school […]
Oregon Standoff: What If The Armed Men Were Muslim Or Black?
Jessica Sherry | AJ+ | (Video News Report) | – – “The Ammon Bundy–led armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon isn’t just about land rights. Dena Takruri gets the thoughts of occupiers LaVoy Finicum and Jon Ritzheimer on what would happen if they were brown, black or Muslim. Shot by video […]