By Deirdre Fulton, staff writer | ( | – – “The hollowing of the middle has proceeded steadily for four decades, and it may have reached a tipping point,” Pew Research Center says A closer look at the shift out of the middle reveals that “a deeper polarization is underway in the American economy,” says […]
Paris COP21 will only slow Climate Change: Here’s What’s going to happen to you and your children
By Katja Frieler | (The Conversation) | – – At the Paris climate summit, delegates are deciding on a global goal for temperature rise. At the time of publication, the latest draft text calls for the world to “hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2℃ above pre-industrial levels and to […]
How U.S. Interventions Dismembered the Middle East
By Adil E. Shamoo | (Foreign Policy in Focus) | – – Despite everything, hawks are still pushing President Obama to send ground troops to Syria. He would be wise to reject their advice. For the last few decades in the Middle East, the policy of western powers — led by the United States — […]
Obama: “Who will rid me of this Troublesome ‘caliph’? Someone? Anyone?
By Peter Van Buren | ( | – – In the many strategies proposed to defeat the Islamic State (IS) by presidential candidates, policymakers, and media pundits alike across the American political spectrum, one common element stands out: someone else should really do it. The United States will send in planes, advisers, and special ops […]
Trump Cancels trip to Israel after Parliamentarians slam him as Neo-Nazi
By IMEMC | – – After criticism from both the left and the right, Donald Trump tweeted Thursday that he will delay his visit to Israel and Jerusalem. The wealthy business tycoon and apparent presidential candidate had previously stated that he planned to visit the Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and then force his way […]
Mark Zuckerberg Stands With Muslims & Fox goes after Him
Cenk Uygur | (The Young Turks video report) | & Media Matters | – – 1. Media Matters Tweet: Fox co-hosts attack Mark Zuckerberg over expressing support for the Muslim community: — Media Matters (@mmfa) December 10, 2015 2. Cenk Uygur: “Mark Zuckerberg recently put out a statement supporting Muslims throughout the world. […]
Iraqis wrangle over who should free Mosul: Kurds, Russia, US or Shiite Militias?
Iman Asaad | Sulaymaniyah | ( | – – Who would be the best to liberate Mosul from the Islamic State group? A survey of Iraqi opinions on NIQASH’s Facebook page received 900 comments and show just how deeply divided the country is. An unofficial survey on Facebook that garnered over 930 replies from Iraqis […]
Robert Gordon U in Scotland Strips Trump of Honorary Degree
Contessa Brewer | (CBSN video news report) | – – “In the wake of his controversial plan to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., Robert Gordon University in Scotland is revoking an honorary degree it awarded Donald Trump in 2010. The school says that the Republican candidate’s statements are incompatible with the university’s standards. CBSN’s […]
The Conservative Rhetoric of Hate: How to Lose Friends and legitimate Extremist Worldviews
BY TAREQ A. RAMADAN | (Informed Comment) | – – Highly essentialist and virulent anti-Islamic, anti-Arab ‘conservative’ platitudes on Islam and Muslims being disseminated by outspoken members of the GOP (such as Donald Trump, Ben Carson and others) have become so dangerously popularized and, to varying degrees, normalized as Presidential candidates use reckless, xenophobic and […]