Euronews | (Video Report) | – – “A solar powered plane has successfully completed a record-breaking five-day nonstop solo flight across the Pacific Ocean. The Solar Impulse is the first aircraft to fly day and night without any fuel from Japan to Hawaii Its Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg is attempting to circumnavigate the globe with […]
Iraq’s Displaced People are Selling Body Parts For Food | Sulaymaniyah | – – “Authorities in Iraqi Kurdistan suspect that displaced people are selling their kidneys to feed their families. Problem is, they don’t know how to stop it because there’s nothing illegal about donating a kidney.” The flood of internally displaced people into the semi-autonomous northern region of Iraqi Kurdistan is not […]
Funding For Desperate Palestinian Refugees Under Threat
By Mel Frykberg | (Inter Press Service) | – – UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness, who says that unless someone steps in to alleviate the financial crisis facing the U.N. agency, “ it is innocent refugees who will again suffer”. Credit: Mel Frykberg/IPS JERUSALEM, Jul 3 2015 (IPS) – The U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) […]
Egypt’s Draconian new anti-Terrorism Law threatens freedom of speech, Democracy
Euronews | (Video Report) | – – “Egypt launched airstrikes on Islamist militant targets in the Sinai peninsula killing 23 fighters, the offensive comes a day after deadly clashes in the region.” On Wednesday, the cabinet approved a new anti-terrorism law which it claims will act as a deterrent but political expert Bashir Abdl Alfatah […]
It’s the Economy, Stupid!: Tunisia’s fight against Terrorism requires a jobs program for its Youth
By Alexander Martin | (The Conversation) | – – To anyone who has followed Tunisia’s journey since it became a democracy, the horrific events in Sousse were shocking, but not surprising. This is a country still struggling to keep itself safe and address its internal destabilising forces. The 100 days since the Bardo museum attacks […]
Donald Trump, Dumpee: Forgetting to use the GOP racial dog-whistle is an Expensive Mistake
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Donald Trump is seeing short-term gains from the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party, but his recent behavior will have a fatal impact on his presidential ambitious. Republican candidates who wanted to play to the “angry white men” were in the past slightly more subtle. […]
The Ghost of Soviet Collapse haunts the West: Military Hegemony isn’t what it Used to Be
By Tom Engelhardt | ( | – – The rise and fall of great powers and their imperial domains has been a central fact of history for centuries. It’s been a sensible, repeatedly validated framework for thinking about the fate of the planet. So it’s hardly surprising, when faced with a country once regularly labeled […]
Syria: When al-Assad Regime shuts off Internet, State Violence Spikes
By Sarah Myers West | (Electronic Frontier Foundation) | – – EFF has noted and protested when authorities deliberately cut off Internet access in times of unrest. As a restraint on the freedom of expression of those affected, communication blackouts during protests are unconscionable. But recent research by Anita Gohdes, a postdoctoral researcher at the […]
Israelis Detain, expel Former Pres. of Tunisia from Gaza Aid Flotilla; he vows to return
By IMEMC | – – Israeli occupation authorities deported to France, late on Monday, former Tunisian president Moncef al-Marzouqi, who took part in Freedom Flotilla III. After intercepting and towing the Gaza bound ship, the Israeli occupation detained, investigated, released and deported participants, including Israeli Arab MK Basel Ghattas and former Tunisian President Moncef al-Marzouqi. […]