AJ+ | (Video Report) | – – “A CNN reporter saw a sex toy banner at a London Pride event and thought it was an ISIS flag.” AJ+: “CNN Mistakes Dildo Banner For ISIS Flag”
America’s “Wars on . . .” have become an unhealthy Addiction
By William J. Astore | (Tomdispatch.com) | – – War on drugs. War on poverty. War in Afghanistan. War in Iraq. War on terror. The biggest mistake in American policy, foreign and domestic, is looking at everything as war. When a war mentality takes over, it chooses the weapons and tactics for you. It limits the terms […]
Is Congress Using Trade Rules to Blacklist Critics of Israel?
By Rachel Ida Buff | (Foreign Policy in Focus) | – – Legislation to fast track new trade pacts specifically targets supporters of the BDS movement against the Israeli occupation. In 1952, Abner Green — leader of a civil rights group called the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born — served six […]
Climate Change-Driven Drought in Karachi hits Poor Hardest
By Zofeen Ebrahim | {Inter Press Service) | – – KARACHI (IPS) – Over 950 people have perished in just five days. The morgues, already filled to capacity, are piling up with bodies, and in over-crowded hospitals the threat of further deaths hangs in the air. Pakistan’s port city of Karachi, home to over 23 […]
Think California’s Drought Is Bad? Try Palestine’s.
By Laith Shakir | (Foreign Policy in Focus) | – – While Israelis water their lawns and swim in Olympic-sized pools, Palestinians a few kilometers away are literally dying of thirst. California is in the midst of one of the worst droughts in the state’s history, prompting Governor Jerry Brown to declare a water “state […]
New TV Show About Cairo’s Jewish Community draws Fans, Critics
Aj+ | (Video Report) | – – ““The Jewish Quarter” – a new series about Cairo’s once-thriving Jewish community – is angering both Egyptians and the Israeli Embassy in Egypt.” AJ+: “New Show About Cairo’s Jewish Community Angers Many”
In first, Court orders Dutch gov’t to protect citizens from climate change
The Tree | – – The Dutch government has put its citizens in danger by failing to address greenhouse gas emissions, a court [has] ruled . . . In a landmark verdict, the judge said the government “must do more to avert the imminent danger caused by climate change” and ordered it to reduce CO2 […]
As Love wins out at Supreme Court, did Justices in Minority encourage States, Fundamentalists to Defy Ruling?
By Danielle Weatherby, Timothy Holbrook and Robert A. Schapiro | (The Conversation) | – – Editor’s note: Today the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that marriage is a legal right – striking down same-sex marriage bans in 14 states and ordering states to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. Marriage is a fundamental right Today’s […]
A Black President Eulogizes a Black Reverend and State Senator Slain for Being Black
Barack Obama | (PBS NewsHour Video) | – – “President Barack Obama delievered the eulogy at the funeral for Rev. Clementa Pinckney, one of the victims of deadly shootings at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina.” PBS NewsHour: “Watch President Obama deliver eulogy at Rev. Pinckney’s funeral”