By Cindy Cohn and Mark Jaycox | (Electronic Frontier Foundation) | – The Senate passed the USA Freedom Act today by 67-32, marking the first time in over thirty years that both houses of Congress have approved a bill placing real restrictions and oversight on the National Security Agency’s surveillance powers. The weakening amendments to […]
Going for Broke in Ponzi Scheme America
Tom Engelhardt | ( | – [Note to TomDispatch Readers: I’ve long had a weakness for commencement addresses, or at least for what they might be rather than what they usually are, which is why, I suppose, I’ve written them relatively regularly myself. Since no actual college or graduating class has ever asked me to give […]
Lawyer: Palestinian children facing torture in Israeli jails
RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Palestinian children are being beaten and tortured in a “heinous” way by Israeli soldiers during interrogation, a Palestinian Authority lawyer has said. Hiba Masalha, a lawyer for the PA committee of prisoners’ affairs, said in a statement on Sunday that teenage detainees are being “terrified, threatened and blackmailed” in contravention of international […]
United Tells Muslim Woman Passenger ‘No Soda For Terrorists’
Jose Marcelino Ortiz and Nik Zecevic | (TheLipTV Video) | — “United Airlines discriminated against Muslim passenger Tahera Ahmad following a request she made for an unopened can of Diet Coke during her flight from Chicago to Washington on Friday. According to Ahmad, an attendant denied her the soda claiming it could be used “as […]
Can Nigeria’s new Muslim President defeat Boko Haram Extremists?
By Lisa Vives | — NEW YORK (IPS) – Muhammadu Buhari, his hand on the Holy Book, was sworn in as Nigeria’s president at an open-air ceremony this past Friday in the capital city of Abuja. His speech acknowledged many of the challenges facing the largest democracy in Africa but offered hope that these challenges […]
Are there Echoes of the old Anti-Semitism in today’s Islam-Hatred?
Anne-Ruth Wertheim | (Informed Comment) | – Recently, the head of the Dutch national police Gerard Bouman warned against the poison that was seeping into his organisation: Muslims were continually being forced to prove their loyalty. Has Islamophobia really come this far? And can what is happening now be compared to pre-World War II anti-Semitism? […]
SlutWalk: Israeli Women March For Equal Rights In Jerusalem
AJ+ | (Video) | – “It’s a city where women have been forced to sit at the back of buses. Now Israel’s women are demanding equal rights in Jerusalem with a “SlutWalk”.” AJ+: “SlutWalk: Israeli Women March For Equal Rights In Jerusalem”
Iraqi Army, Shiite Militias Retake area west of Ramadi from ISIL/ Daesh
Press TV | (Video) — Reports coming out of Iraq suggest that government forces have managed to recapture a 5-kilometer area in the west of the flashpoint city. The latest advances follow fierce battles with the Takfiri terrorists. Dozens of terrorists have already been killed in the confrontation. Iraqi volunteer forces are advancing on Ramadi […]
Kurdish Muslims abandoning Islam for Zoroastrianism in Disgust at ISIL/ Daesh?
By Alaa Latif | ( The small, ancient religion of Zoroastrianism is being revived in northern Iraq. Followers say locals should join because it’s a truly Kurdish belief. Others say the revival is a reaction to extremist Islam. One of the smallest and oldest religions in the world is experiencing a revival in the semi-autonomous […]