H. Akın Ünver | (Informed Comment) | – Regardless of the outcome of June 7 elections, Kurds have already grown into Turkey’s main corrective political camp with domestic and international implications. The real, long-term effect of Turkey’s People’s Democracy Party (HDP), which is the only political outlet rooted in the Kurdish movement, goes beyond the […]
Palestinians drop motion on Expelling Israel from In’tl Soccer for Apartheid
Update: Having made their point, Palestine dropped this motion at FIFA on Friday, likely because of behind the scenes assurances the harassment will stop. (note: title has changed.). By Camila Benson | (IMEMC) | – Palestinian Football Association chief, Jibril Rajoub, says of the vote to expel Israel from FIFA that “the situation has not […]
Hawks think the US alone can Still Garrison the Planet: How’s that Working Out?
By Michael T. Klare | (Tomdispatch.com) | – Take a look around the world and it’s hard not to conclude that the United States is a superpower in decline. Whether in Europe, Asia, or the Middle East, aspiring powers are flexing their muscles, ignoring Washington’s dictates, or actively combating them. Russia refuses to curtail its support for […]
Why the so-called USA PATRIOT Act can’t actually Keep America Safe
by CHARLES KURZMAN for ISLAMiCommentary: Charles Kurzman With the “USA PATRIOT Act” set to expire at the end of the month, you might expect supporters of domestic surveillance to tout the take-down of the biggest plot of violent extremism America has experienced so far this year. Not the plot by two men who drove to […]
Turkish Voters worried about Integrity of Elections, Deterioration of Democracy
By Deniz Erkmen | (Informed Comment) | — As Turkey approaches a pivotal parliamentary election on June 7, there is growing doubt about just how “free and fair” this election is going to be. A recent survey conducted by academics Ali Çarkoğlu and S. Erdem Aytaç shows that among the public, trust in the […]
Amnesty: Hamas Killings, Torture during Gaza Assault were War Crimes
By: Charlie Hoyle | (Ma’an News Agency) — BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The extra-judicial executions of at least 23 Palestinians in Gaza during Israel’s military offensive last summer could amount to war crimes, Amnesty International reported Wednesday, with abuses by Hamas security forces deliberately calculated to spread fear. “In the chaos of the conflict, the de […]
If Iran Nuclear talks fail, Sanctions on Tehran Could Unravel
By Jasmin Ramsey | (Inter Press Service) | — WASHINGTON (IPS) – Internationally supported sanctions against Iran could begin to crumble if talks over Iran’s nuclear programme fail to produce a final deal, according to Germany’s envoy to the United States. “The alternatives to the diplomatic approach are not very attractive,” said Ambassador Peter Wittig […]
Why do Poor Nations care more about Climate Change than the Rich?
Alex Lo | (The Conversation) | – Alex Lo, University of Hong Kong Do rich countries care more about the environment that poorer ones? In a recent study I found that’s not necessarily the case. The reason comes down to danger: poorer nations are more worried about risks such as flooding, so are more concerned […]
Egypt: Executing Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi for “Terrorism” will Fuel… Terrorism
By Ebrahim Deen | (Informed Comment) | — ‘In contemporary Egypt, due process is often not granted, evidence is often not considered, and impartiality and independence are often not maintained.’ The sentencing of former Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi and a hundred and five others to death for a 2011 prison break and subsequent death […]