By David Alpher | (The Conversation) – Last Friday, the city of Ramadi – provincial capital of Iraq’s Anbar Province, and symbolic seat of its Sunni population – fell to an ISIS assault. The loss is devastating, and not only because of the city’s size or symbolic value, or because it’s another reminder that ISIS […]
Venezuela to Boost Palestine to Full Embassy Status
By Ben Tavener – IMEMC/PNN – Venezuela will boost its diplomatic representation in Palestine to full embassy status, according to the Venezuelan minister for foreign affairs. “Following instructions from President Nicolás Maduro, we will raise our representation in the heroic Palestinian states to embassy level,” Delcy Rodríguez announced on social media Thursday evening. Venezuela is […]
Conservative, Catholic Ireland 1st Country to vote in Gay Marriage
Channel 4 News | (Video) – “Support for gay marriage in Ireland reaches 65 per cent with just the final votes to be counted – a resounding yes which forces the hugely influential Catholic church into turmoil after it opposed the change.” Channel 4 News: “Ireland votes to legalise gay marriage”
Snowden’s Revenge: USA “Freedom” [Surveillance] Act Fails in Senate
By Nadia Prupis, staff writer | ( — “The failure of these bills to pass shows just how dramatically the politics of surveillance changed once the extent of the government’s surveillance programs became known to the public.” In a move that is being hailed by civil liberties advocates as a victory for privacy rights, the […]
Richest Countries Bomb among World’s Poorest: Yemen already a Forgotten War
VICE News | (Video) | – “For more than six weeks, nine countries led by Saudi Arabia have been carrying out airstrikes on Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest nation. Whole neighborhoods have been destroyed and communities reduced to rubble. According to the United Nations, the strikes, targeting Iranian-backed Houthi rebel positions in the Yemeni capital […]
Now Jeb Bush thinks Scientists are Arrogant for Discovering Climate Change
John Iadarola and Ben Mankiewicz | (The Young Turks) | (Video) – “A few weeks back we gave Jeb Bush credit for admitting that climate change is actually a fact. Well today we get to take that back. Bush expanded on his original thought and it got a little bit less thoughtful. John Iadarola (Think […]
Obama Prosecutes another Whistleblower to Senate for “Espionage”
By John Kiriakou | (Foreign Policy in Focus) Jeffrey Sterling learned the hard way that the feds will throw the book at anyone who embarrasses them. Jeffrey Sterling recently stood before a judge as his sentence was read. The former CIA officer, the judge declared, would spend 42 months — that’s three and half years […]
World Bank Warns of Total Collapse of Economy in Gaza
IMEMC | — The World Bank will be presenting a report to the bi-annual Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) meeting on May 27, 2015 in Brussels that highlights the Gaza Strip’s economic status under Israel’s blockade. In 2014, Gaza’s unemployment rate reached 43%, the highest in the world. The youth unemployment in Gaza is at […]
TPP and Fast Track Harm Web Creativity and Users’ Rights: Tech Companies to Congress
By Maira Sutton | (Electronic Frontier Foundation) | – In a In a joint letter to Congress released this week, more than 250 technology companies and user rights organizations say that the extreme level of secrecy surrounding trade negotiations have led to provisions in agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that threaten digital innovation, free […]