Joel Beinin, Stanford University (History News Network /American Historical Association) — “Joel Beinin is a professor of history at Stanford University. On January 3, 2015 he spoke at a roundtable convened by the Mid-Atlantic Radical Historians’ Organization (MARHO) on the subject: ”What is the Responsibility of Historians Regarding the Israel/Palestine Conflict?” ” HNNeditor: “Joel Beinin: […]
Iraq has Worst Year since Bush Invaded, is a Ghost of Former Self
By Mustafa Habib | Baghdad | ( — The past year in Iraq is not easy to review. The assorted crises, both in security and politics, are well known around the world and for many Iraqis it’s been one long nightmare. NIQASH went to gather ordinary Iraqis’ opinions on the year gone by and ended […]
Why the US should welcome Palestine Pres. Abbas joining Int’l Criminal Court
by Aaron Magid | (Ma’an News Agency) Criticism against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority is mounting after his United Nations Security Council Resolution and bid to join the International Criminal Court. Aside from Netanyahu and the usual hawkish Israeli right, even officials generally sympathetic to the Palestinian plight are attacking Abbas. Former […]
When will it Explode? Jerusalem’s Silwan district is a Global Powder Keg
Vice News | — “Throughout the past several months, Jerusalem has been a scene of clashes and violent attacks. Silwan, a Palestinian neighborhood just steps away from Jerusalem’s Old City, has been at the heart of the unrest, and is becoming one of the most contentious neighborhoods in the most contested city in the world. […]
Sen. Lindsey Graham pledges allegiance to Israel’s Netanyahu vs. Obama
Cenk Uygur | (The Young Turks) — “”During a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Sunday, incoming chair of the Senate Foreign Appropriations Committee Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told the foreign leader Congress would “follow his lead” on a bill to reinforce sanctions on Iran. “In January of next year, there will […]
After 500 Strikes: Is America’s Drone War Crashing And Burning?
AJ+ | — “Drone strikes are the weapon of choice in America’s so-called War on Terror. They’ve been used nearly 500 times in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia since 2002. But while U.S. officials praise their “surgical precision,” the reality on the ground tells a different tale. Here’s what you need to know about the U.S. […]
Another Terror: Do Taliban stand in the Way of Eradication of Polio Scourge?
By Inter Press Service Correspondents | KATHMANDU/PESHAWAR, Pakistan (IPS) – The goal is an ambitious one – to deliver a polio-free world by 2018. Towards this end, the multi-sector Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is bringing out the big guns, sparing no expense to ensure that “every last child” is immunised against the crippling disease. […]
Indian Green Start-ups: Solar Backpacks & Daily Micropayments,
NDTV Prime | “Head’s Up” | — “Harvesting renewable energy, solar power, waste management – these concepts have been much explored across the world in the last decade. But has India made its presence felt in this field? Maybe not in the last few years, but now things are changing around. Upcoming start-ups are giving […]
Iraq Faces Women’s Crisis: 1 Mn. Widows, Extremist Captives, Child Brides
By Alaa Latif | Sulaymaniyah | ( Bayan Nouri has a tough job over the next four years – the new Minister for Women’s Affairs in Iraq must try to improve the economic lot of Iraq’s women, prevent systemic domestic violence against females and work on problems like female genital mutilation and underage marriage as […]