AJ+ | — ‘Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon has argued for keeping Palestinian workers off of public Israeli buses. Yaalon says the laborers are dangerous and harass Israeli women. AJ+ caught a ride on one of the buses to hear from a Palestinian about it. Raji Abdallah Saleh Ahmed explains that sharing a bus is […]
Turkish Pres. Erdogan says Women not Equal to Men: “Their System is Different.”
Euronews | — “The Turkish President has triggered fresh controversy, declaring in a speech that women are not equal to men. Recep Tayyip Erdogan also criticised the feminist movement, claiming they do not accept or understand the concept of motherhood. He spoke at a global justice and women’s summit in Istanbul. An English translation of […]
What if it was Russia and China invading and Bombing? The Blindness of MSM and Washington
By Tom Engelhardt (Tomdispatch.com) | — Let’s play a game, the kind that makes no sense on this single-superpower planet of ours. For a moment, do your best to suspend disbelief and imagine that there’s another superpower, great power, or even regional power somewhere that, between 2001 and 2003, launched two major wars in the […]
Global Warming brings extreme Floods and Drought: World Bank
By Andrea Germanos, staff writer (Commondreams.org) “Even very ambitious mitigation” can’t change the fact that the world has already “locked in” mid-century warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial times, a new report from the World Bank Group finds. This warming brings increased threats to food and water security and jeopardizes poverty-reduction efforts, the study states. It […]
Racial Fearmongering and Ferguson: US Stereotype of “violent” African-American Men as old as Slavery
By Peter Bloom, The Open University (The Conversation) The decision not to charge police officer Darren Wilson with the unlawful shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown has reignited protests across the US. The judgment was met by violent outrage on the streets of Ferguson. After months of deliberation, a grand jury ruled that there was […]
Iran: US War Hawks go on Offensive after Nuclear Energy Talk Deadlines are Postponed
by Jim Lobe | (Inter Press Service) | — Buoyed by the failure of the U.S. and five other powers to reach a comprehensive agreement with Iran over its nuclear programme after a week of intensive talks, pro-Israel and Republican hawks are calling for Washington to ramp up economic pressure on Tehran even while talks […]
The Ferguson, Mo. Shooting in American History: What to Tell the Children
By Julian Hipkins III (Zinn Education Project) In light of the grand jury decision, we share this collection of teaching ideas and resources, originally published by Teaching for Change in August of 2014. By Julian Hipkins III As the new school year begins, first and foremost on our minds and in our hearts will be […]
Sen. Lindsey Graham furious GOP House Benghazi Report Shows He Wasted All our Time & Money
The Young Turks | — “”Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday blasted a House GOP-led investigation that recently debunked myths about the 2012 Benghazi attack. “I think the report is full of crap,” Graham said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The House Intelligence Committee released a report on Friday evening, which took two years […]
Iraq: A Bigger Threat than Extremists? Economy on Verge of Collapse
By Mustafa Habib | Baghdad | via Niqash.org The Iraqi dinar: there might not be enough oil revenue coming into Iraq next year. The high cost of fighting the extremist Islamic State group, the worldwide decrease in oil prices, corruption and a lack of sensible economic forward planning mean that Iraq may be on the […]