RT | —- “The Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota says that congressional approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline will be considered an act of war. If given the green light by congress, the controversial project will traverse land under the control of the Native American tribe, which is now threatening to exercise its […]
Junta arrests Thai Protesters using ‘Hunger Games’ 3-finger Salute at Mockingjay Premiere
TomoNews & The Telegraph | — [Taiwan Animators (TomoNews)] “I’m sure you remember this touching scene from ‘Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ where Katniss shows her resolve and will to fight after her friend was killed. She turns to the camera and puts up her hand with the first three fingers outstretched in an act of […]
An Israeli-Arab Spring? 1.6 mn Palestinian-Israelis are Marginalized, Angry and Defiant
By Emile Nakhleh | — WASHINGTON, Nov 20 2014 (IPS) – The recent killing of an Arab youth by the police in the Israeli Arab village of Kafr Kanna, outside Nazareth, the ongoing bloody violence in Jerusalem, and the growing tensions between the Israeli security services and the Arab community in Israel could be a […]
Climate Change already turning China Wetlands into Dust
Euronews | — “Former wetlands in north-west China (Gansu province) have been sucked dry as the climate has changed. It is a stark warning that we can expect other ecological disaster areas like it to develop elsewhere. With the acceleration of global warming since the Second Industrial Revolution — specifically from 1880 to 2012 — […]
Right-Wing Media vs. Reagan On Immigration – How GOP lost the Script
Media Matters 4 America | — Right-Wing Media vs. Reagan On Immigration mediamatters4america
Two Different American Futures: With an Iran Deal & Without
By Charles Recknagel (RFE/ RL) As the six world powers and Tehran try to reach a deal in Vienna, there is more at stake than simply ending the crisis over Iran's nuclear program. Equally important is how the success or failure of the negotiations could set the stage for determining the West's relations with Iran […]
Another Domino Falls: Spanish Parliament votes to Recognize Palestine
Euronews: “Spanish MPs have urged their government to recognise the Palestinian state. The a non-binding resolution presented by the socialists won the backing of all the political groups of the lower house, and would only ask for recognition when the Palestinians and Israel negotiate a solution to their long-running conflict. “The Spanish Parliament unanimously believe […]
In Iran, US Choice is a Negotiated Peace Now or the Risk of War
By Carlyn Meyer In 2012, Israeli PM Netanyahu stood before the UN General Assembly with a cartoon representation of an “Iranian bomb.” It was filled with red paint (uranium) up to a thick black line representing the ‘point of no return’ where Iran could produce a nuclear bomb within a few months. Or so we […]
How human-emitted Carbon Dioxide Circulates in Earth’s Atmosphere (NASA)
NASA Goddard | — “An ultra-high-resolution NASA computer model has given scientists a stunning new look at how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere travels around the globe. Plumes of carbon dioxide in the simulation swirl and shift as winds disperse the greenhouse gas away from its sources. The simulation also illustrates differences in carbon dioxide […]