Wochit General News “Denmark’s climate minister said on Saturday that Denmark should ban coal use by 2025 to make the Nordic nation a leader in fighting global warming, adding to green measures ranging from wind energy to bicycle power. Denmark has already taken big steps to break reliance on high-polluting coal – wind turbines are […]
Iraq War 3.0? What could possibly Go Wrong?
By Peter Van Buren (Tomdispatch.com) Karl von Clausewitz, the famed Prussian military thinker, is best known for his aphorism “War is the continuation of state policy by other means.” But what happens to a war in the absence of coherent state policy? Actually, we now know. Washington’s Iraq War 3.0, Operation Inherent Resolve, is what […]
ISIL Grew out of Bush’s Destruction of Iraq’s Socialist Economy
By Noah Bassil via The Conversation To explain the disaster befalling Iraq, as well as the rise of Islamic State (IS), you have to go back a century – before modern Iraq even existed. That’s not to discount the shared culpability of Iraq’s numerous leaders, from King Faisal I to Saddam Hussein and Nuri al-Maliki, […]
In Creeping Annexaton, Israel Plots to Apply Israeli Law in Palestinian West Bank
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Palestinian official Nabil Shaath said Sunday that a proposed Knesset bill to apply Israeli laws to West Bank settlements was dangerous and aimed to eventually annex the territory. “The (Palestinian) Authority completely opposes applying the Israeli law to settlements in the West Bank because this creates a political context where these settlements […]
Israeli PM Netanyahu Is a National Security Risk—And Washington Knows It
An anonymous U.S. official caused a dustup when he called the Israeli prime minister "chickenshit." Others might have said worse. By Adil E. Shamoo and Peter Certo, November 6, 2014. Print (Photo: Wikimedia Commons) Last month, an anonymous U.S. official stirred a tempest in a teapot when he called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “a […]
EU Foreign Affairs Head: A Palestinian State or Endless Conflict
Frederica Mogherini, the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs in the Juncker Commission, is a former Foreign Minister of Italy and a member of the Italian Democratic Party and Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. She visited Gaza, where she called for a Palestinian state, saying that it is not only the people of […]
Palestinians Break open Illegal Apartheid Wall to Commemorate Fall of Berlin Wall
JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Palestinian activists affiliated with local popular resistance committees in the villages northwest of Jerusalem on Saturday broke open a hole in the separation wall to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. “No matter how high walls are built, they will fall. Just as the Berlin Wall fell, […]
O Little Town of Bethlehem – In Revolt against Israeli Aggression
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Clashes erupted in a number of villages across the Bethlehem region of the southern West Bank on Friday after Israeli forces attempted to quell marches in solidarity with occupied East Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa mosque. Dozens of marches suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation as a result of the soldiers’ widespread use […]
If Germany Drops Coal, can the Industry Survive?
By Jake Richardson Germany is looking into cutting its use of coal power, at the same time that it is cutting out nuclear. If it does, there could be a ripple effect because Germany is a major player in the European energy market. A Berlin-based journalist said that Germany’s emphasis on renewables is already impacting […]