CCTV Africa: “Pressure is growing on Egypt’s government to intervene in Libya. That’s after the emergence this week of an Islamic State-style caliphate – close to the Egyptian border. Many in Cairo say, the government needs to deploy military force in Libya, to crush the threat.” CCTV Africa: “Pressure mounting on Egyptian government to intervene […]
Islamophobia: Is Sam Harris As Dangerous As Sarah Palin? (The Young Turks)
The Young Turks: “”Whether you think him a truth-teller or a bigot, Bill Maher deserves credit for launching one of the most robust public cultural/intellectual debates in recent memory. Two weeks ago today, he said on HBO that “a vast number of Muslims across the world” believe people who do not share their religious beliefs […]
Walmart Plots to derail Rooftop Solar Energy Revolution
By Deirdre Fulton via The Walton family—who, as heirs to the Walmart fortune, have more wealth than 42 percent of American families combined—are impeding the nation’s transition to a clean energy future, a new study by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) finds. “The Waltons claim to have a deep commitment to sustainability, but […]
America’s Oil Wars on ISIL, Iran & Russia
By Michael T. Klare via It was heinous. It was underhanded. It was beyond the bounds of international morality. It was an attack on the American way of life. It was what you might expect from unscrupulous Arabs. It was “the oil weapon” — and back in 1973, it was directed at the United […]
Remembering the Muslim Heritage of Tolerance and Hybrid Civilization
By Tareq Ramadan Because the brutal behavior exhibited by members of IS have drearily captivated audiences around the world, Muslims in the West fear that their faith will be increasingly stereotyped and essentialized as one that is inherently violent and intolerant. Of course, the fallout may further feed Islamophobic sentiments that have only increased after […]
Is the new US airbase in Iraqi Kurdistan all about Iran?
By Hiwa Barznjy | Erbil | via NIQASH interviewed Safeen Dizayee, the spokesperson for the government of semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan. During a candid and wide ranging conversation, Dizayee spoke about why the US is building a new airbase in the region, where exactly Iraqi Kurdish oil is going and whether refugees in the region […]
First 1300 Years of Islamic History in 3 Minutes
Lost Islamic History: “1300 Years of Islamic History in 3 Minutes ”
Israel Squatters Chop Down Dozens of Palestinian Olive Trees Near Nablus (800,000 since 1967)
NABLUS (Ma’an) — Israeli settlers on Monday chopped down dozens of olive trees on Palestinian agricultural lands in the Nablus district, an official said. Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official who monitors settlement activity in the northern West Bank, said that settlers from Tuffah chopped down around 100 olive trees belonging to Palestinians in the village […]
Is Obama worse than Nixon on Harassing Journalists? Committee to Protect Journalists Petition
Electronic Frontier Foundation p>A free press has always been an essential part of any democracy. That’s why repressive governments insist on state control over media. That’s why the very first addition to the Constitution, the First Amendment, protects freedom of speech. And that’s why EFF is joining over 60 organizations supporting the Committee to Protect […]