On late Friday, the Lebanese army moved into some neighborhoods that had been taken during the day by the Hizbullah militia. Hizbullah routed Sunni militiamen loyal to Saad Hariri and set fire to the offices of al-Mustaqbal newspaper, his press outlet. (The Lebanese Army declined to intervene, the same mistake it made in 1975). Likewise, […]
Sadr City Residents Warned to Leave;
AFP reports, “25 killed as Rockets Shatter Basra Calm.” Shiite guerrillas fired a barrage of rockets at the British base out at the airport in Basra, killing two civilians. There was retaliatory fighting in Basra that left more dead. Tina Susman of the LAT has some fun with the Bush administration’s fixation on Iran as […]
Sick Guest Op-Ed: More on Hillary Clinton and Obliterating Iran
Gary Sick, a political scientist at Columbia University and former National Security Council staffer under Carter and Reagan, writes: Hillary Clinton’s warning that the United States could “obliterate” Iran if that country should “foolishly consider” launching an attack on Israel is, of course, pandering to a broad American constituency that wants to hear tough rhetoric […]
Happy 60th to Israel
Israel is celebrating its 60th anniversary, and let me take this opportunity to wish my Israeli readers a happy anniversary. The Middle East is always viewed through the lens of politics and strife, but having lived and visited a lot over there I’d like to suggest that it is forgotten how few people are actually […]
Violence in Beirut
Violence in Lebanon Courtesy al-Hayat Update: CNN is reporting that the Lebanese military is reluctant to intervene in street fighting between pro-Hizbullah forces and supporters of the Seniora government. Aljazeera is also reporting that the Lebanese military has drawn back from flashpoints. It showed one clip of troops facing crowds of young men throwing stones, […]
Zawahiri endorses McCain Plan to Bomb Iran; McCain seeks Endorsement of Catholic-Haters; 8 Percent of Pakistanis Back McCain
Senator John McCain, who seeks endorsements from haters of Roman Catholics, is alleging that Hamas has “endorsed” Barack Obama. He darkly suggests that this means something. It is a despicable, dirty campaign trick. Who do you think the Ku Klux Klan will be endorsing? And if the Grand Dragons plump for McCain, does that tell […]
Sunni Kuwaiti Cleric Differentiates between Iraqi Shia Nationalists and those Supporting Iran
The USC Open Source Center translates a statement by a Sunni Salafi cleric in Kuwait that allows that some Arab Shiites in Iraq are “honorable” but not those allied with Iran. Kuwaiti Shaykh Differentiates Between Iraqi Shia Supporting, Opposing IranJihadist Websites — OSC SummaryWednesday, May 7, 2008 . . . Terrorism: Kuwaiti Shaykh Differentiates Between […]
Obama strides Closer to Victory
Barack Obama pulled closer to clinching the nomination last night, widening his lead over Hillary Clinton in voted delegates and in the popular vote. He overwhelmingly took Indianapolis and narrowed her earlier lead to only 2%, about 20,000 votes out of the hundreds of thousands cast. Obama even got 35% of working class whites in […]
US Soldier Killed in al-Anbar; Sadrist MP Resigns; Army Arrests Police
The killing of a US soldier in al-Anbar province by Iraqi guerrillas was announced on Wednesday morning. The Scotsman reports: ‘ IRAQI soldiers yesterday detained dozens of policemen and closed down a hospital suspected of treating Shiite militiamen in a Baghdad stronghold of cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army. ‘ It doesn’t seem to me like […]