Sunni Arab Iraqi guerrillas launched a four-pronged attack on their enemies on Monday. They killed eight US troops in two separate bombings, one in the al-Mansur district of Baghdad and one in the small town of Baladruz east of the capital in Diyala Province. They set off two bombs targeting Shiites in east Baghdad, taunting […]
1799: French Pillage Palestinians
At the Napoleon’s Egypt blog, Gen. Berthier describes how the French, having failed to take the fortress at Acre, destroy the city’s aqueduct in revenge and then pillage and loot the Palestinian countryside. Word arrives to Gen. Bonaparte from Cairo that during his absence, popular uprisings have broken out in Sharqiyyah and Buhayra Provinces. (The […]
Guest Editorial: Polk: The Iraq War and the Presidential Election
William R. Polk With all eyes fixed on the forthcoming election, we must consider the issues that will face whomever becomes our next president for these are issues that we – and perhaps even our grandchildren will have to cope. The urgent issue before our country in this time of great danger is the health […]
Pakistan Coalition Has Two-Thirds Majority: Will seek to Reinstate Dismissed Justices; Confrontation with Musharraf Looms
Pakistan People’s Party leader Asaf Ali Zardari and Pakistan Muslim League-N leader Nawaz Sharif reached a historic accord on Sunday aimed at forming a coalition government. The PPP will lead the government and choose the cabinet ministers, in consultation with its partners, but PMLN officials will also serve in the cabinet. They were joined by […]
King’s Bigotry and Obama and the Muslims (Again)
Congressman Steven King of Iowa, who has decided to further disgrace Congress by seeking a fifth term there, delivered himself of the sort of bigotted and ignorant comments about Barack Obama that we have come to expect from the rightwing Republicans who have made such a mess of our economy and of the world. King […]
Large Protest in Basra; 1 US Soldier Killed, 1 Wounded; 100 Bodies found in Mass Grave;
Some 5,000 protesters rallied in downtown Basra to protest the horrible security situation on Saturday. AP notes, ‘Many carried banners, decrying the killing of women, workers, academics and scientists. Dozens of women were slain in Basra by religious extremists last year because of how they dressed, their mutilated bodies found with notes warning against “violating […]
Bombings Kill 6 in Mosul; Muqtada in Occultation; Talabani Promises Turks he will Rein in PKK; Karrada Bomb Deaths at 68;
Police in Baghdad raised the death toll for the two bombings in Karrada on Thursday to 68, with 120 wounded. Meanwhile, on Friday two bombings in Mosul killed 6 persons and wounded 35. Iraqi president and Kurdish leader, Jalal Talabani, met in Turkey with high Turkish officials and pledged to them that he would rein […]
55 Killed in Baghdad Bombings; Maley: Iraq Still Unstable;
Sunni Arab guerrillas carried out two bombings in the Shiite Karrada district of Baghdad on Thursday. First a bomb went off in a dumpster near a market, killing 3 persons and attracting a dense crowd. Then a suicide bomber waded into their midst and detonated his belt bomb. The death toll early Friday morning had […]
Gaza: "Humanitarian Implosion"; Jewish Seminarians Shot Down; Bush Messes Up Gaza Even More
In the miserable Israeli-Palestinian Hundred Years War, there were several pieces of worse than usual news lately. David Rose at Vanity Fair showed that the Bush administration tried to provoke a Palestinian civil war and a coup by the PLO against the elected Hamas government. Those plans went awry, leaving Hamas more powerful than ever. […]