Via Fareed Zakaria’s “Foreign Exchange,” an interview with David Enders, a journalist just back from Iraq with an unvarnished view of the situation. As I understand it, this is a 4-minute preview, with the whole interview to be available at from Saturday forward. Hat tip to the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting.
The Nation Review of Napoleon’s Egypt
Roger Owen’s review of my new book, Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle East is now online at The Nation. Owen, who teaches at Harvard, is among our foremost historians of modern Egypt, and one the few who have worked both on economic and on political history. He is author of State, Power and Politics in […]
Fears of Sunni Arab Tribal Feuding in Diyala Cheney, Rumsfeld blamed by Blunkett for Dissolving Iraqi Army
With regard to the recent dust-up in the pages of the NYT between Bush and Bremer over the dismantling of the Iraqi Army, Ward Harkavy at the Village Voice reminds us that the mystery has already been solved by former British Home Secretary David Blunkett. He revealed in his memoirs that Cheney and Rumsfeld were […]
What would the founding fathers have thought of George W. Bush?
Just promoting a book I just found out about. You all know about my thing for the Founding Generation of Americans.
Helman: Bush’s Stage-Managed Photo Op with Sunni Sheikhs May Spell Trouble in Future
Ambassador Gerald B. Helman writes: Perhaps the most telling commentary on the situation today in Iraq is the choice of a remote, heavily fortified US airbase in Anbar province for the President’s third visit to Iraq. He was joined by his senior national security officials, all kinds of four-stars, including General Petreus, and Ambassador Crocker. […]
Rubin: How to Stop War with Iran
Barnett Rubin gives us a thoughtful call to arms on how to prevent war with Iran at the Global Affairs blog. After analyzing the way the Bushies would probably go to war if they can, Rubin writes: ‘ The immediate goal for Democratic presidential candidates and the Democrats (and sensible Republicans) in Congress should be […]
MESA Letter on Mearsheimer & Walt
The Committee on Academic Freedom (North America) of the Middle East Studies Association has written a letter protesting the cancellation of a talk by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt scheduled by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. CCGA maintains that the speakers, authors of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, needed to be balanced […]
Josh Marshall on the Numbers Game in Iraq
From Josh Marshall’s Veracifier site, “Iraq by the Numbers”.
Sadrists Threaten Civil Disobedience Da’wa Leader Slams Bush for Base Visit
Al-Hayat reports in Arabic that the Sadr movement is complaining bitterly about the ongoing detention of its leaders. A spokesman for the Sadr office of Muqtada al-Sadr in Diwaniya threatened a campaign of civil disobedience if the arrests do not stop and if those arrested are not let go. Someone should tell Sheikh Abu Zaynab, […]