Iraqi Sermons on the Sunni Withdrawal, Saudi Calls for Destruction of Shrines The USG Open Source Center translates select passages from Sunni and Shiite sermons from last Friday in Iraq. Many of the Shiite preachers condemned the recent fatwas of Wahhabi Saudi clerics calling for the destruction of Shiite shrines. (Wahhabi Islam, like radical Protestantism, […]
Hard Of Hearing When It Comes To Saudis
Hard of Hearing when it Comes to the Saudis Iraqslogger discovers that the State Department suddenly can’t hear very well when the Saudi foreign minister starts fulminating against ‘foreign interference’ and ‘Occupation’ in Iraq. Plus: Jonathan Steele thinks it is good news that the petroleum bill has stalled out in the Iraqi parliament. And, Cindy […]
Al Anbar Resident Approval Of Sunni
Al-Anbar Residents approve of Sunni withdrawal Remember all that reporting about “progress” against “al-Qaeda” in al-Anbar Province? But for Sunni Arab Iraqis to hate the foreign Salafi fighters is not strange, and it says nothing about al-Anbar’s relationship to the Shiite government in Baghdad. al-Hayat writing in Arabic reports that its interviewees in al-Anbar wholeheartedly […]
Arc Of Crisis Panel At Yearly Kos Heres
Candidates at Yearly Kos Reactions to Arc of Crisis Panel Alas, although I heard the Democratic candidates for president at Yearly Kos and attended the break-out meeting afterward with Sen. Barack Obama, the controversy over his and Sen. Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Pakistan never came up. So, nothing new to report on that score. Here […]
Pakistani Protests Against Obama
Pakistani Protests against Obama; Clinton leaves Nukes on the Table; Tancredo an Inspiration to the Criminally Insane that They, Too, Could run for President I’m going to hear Senator Barack Obama on Saturday afternoon at the Yearly Kos convention. Will report back on Sunday about his remarks. On Thursday, he said he would not use […]
Shiite Militia Attacks On Us And
Shiite Militia Attacks on US and British Troops;The Kurds and the Kirkuk Crisis Remember that spate of newspaper stories about July seeing the lowest number of US military deaths in Iraq since November? Darrel Plant points out that the stories began before the month was over and before the final tally was even in. It […]
Cole Interview From Yearly Kos
Cole Interview from Yearly Kos An interview with me at Josh Marshall’s Talkingpointsmemo from the Yearly Kos conference. (Top video frame.) Thanks to Josh’s staff for the good questions! Plus Yearly Kos in the headlines.
News From Yearly Kos Yearly Kos
News from Yearly Kos The Yearly Kos netroots convention is celebrating grassroots democratic activism. The Sun-Times covers the events Thursday evening. Howard Dean spoke with perceptiveness and passion about grassroots democracy and the internet. I was even impressed by Dick Durbin’s appearance by video (he was leaving for Iraq and Afghanistan). He was on top […]
Us And Iraq Troops Are Mounting Major
13 Killed in Hibhib US-Iraqi Operation in Samarra’ US and Iraq troops are mounting a major operation in the northern Sunni Arab city of Samarra, intending to uproot the “Islamic State of Iraq,” which sympathizes with the goals of al-Qaeda. The city has witnessed two major attacks on an crucial Shiite shrine that have contributed […]