Blumenthal: Young Republican Chicken Hawks Max Blumenthal via YouTube,on young Republican Chicken Hawks [wouldn’t they just be ‘chicks’? Or maybe ‘peepees’?]. You’d think after what happened to Jonah Goldberg, they’d get together and make up some sort of collective alibi or something.
Napoleons Egypt I Just Received
Napoleon’s Egypt I am repeating this posting for Monday, since many readers skip the weekends. I just received an advance copy of my new book, Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle East. I’m a proud parent/author and breaking out the virtual cigars. I think Palgrave Macmillan did a stellar job with the editing and production. The […]
How To Create Angry American
How to Create an Angry American Repeated from Sunday A clever montage of Bush administration falsehoods and denials regarding the Iraq War, via YouTube (film-maker’s link).
Us Airstrike Kills 15 Children Women
US Airstrike Kills 15 Children, Women, Men; Mosul Rocked by Death Squad, Roadside Bomb Killings; Shiite UIA Rejects Arming Sunni Arabs The United States military has bombed Iraqi cities quite a lot. But few reporters have asked the question raised by Hannah Allam and Jenan Hussein about who exactly is being killed in such raids. […]
Last Neocon Attacks Hillary You Might
The Last Neocon Attacks Hillary You might gather from a cursory examination of the wire services that “the Pentagon” has attacked Senator Hillary Clinton for requesting a briefing for her committee from the Department of Defense on contingency plans for withdrawal from Iraq. But as Fred Kaplan of Slate pointed out, it was a specific […]
June Attacks In Iraq At All Time High
June Attacks in Iraq at All-Time High Da’wa Party Protests Saudi Jihadis Reuters obtained from the US Department of Defense statistics that show there were an average of 177.8 attacks on Iraqi military and civilian and US targets per day in June– an all-time record for Iraq. The only other month during the past 4 […]
Tpmtv New Al Qaeda Bamboozle
Josh Marshall on the Iraq Al-Qaeda Bamboozle
Plame Case Thrown Out National Security
Plame Case Thrown Out; National Security Imperilled A federal judge has thrown out the lawsuit of Valerie Plame Wilson against Bush administration figures Irv Lewis Libby, Karl Rove, Richard Bruce Cheney, and Richard Armitage. She sued them for conducting a campaign to out her in the press as an undercover operative and so ruining her […]
4 Multinational Force Troops Killed
4 Multinational Force troops Killed Turks Shell northern Iraq Turkey intensively shelled Kurdish PKK positions inside Iraq, drawing a sharp rebuke from the Iraqi side. Turkey views the PKK as a terrorist organization, and blames it for a roadside bomb that recently killed several Turkish troops. One of the heartening things about the current US […]