20 Decapitated Bodies Found; Turks Brand US Biggest Threat; Muqtada calls for a million Man march on Samarra AP says at least 60 persons died in political violence in Iraq on Thursday. It is being reported that twenty decapitated bodies were found in Salman Pak south of Baghdad, in another macabre instance of sectarian death […]
Death Surge Iraq Coalition Forces
Death surge: Iraq Coalition Forces Completing their deadliest Quarter: Guest Editorial William Blanchard writes: In early April, 2006, the New York Times ran a front page article in the Sunday paper trumpeting declining casualty rates among the coalition troops in Iraq. March, 2006 had been an unusually quiet month, and the Times published a chart […]
Neocons to Clinton: Launch War on Iraq (1998)
Open Letter to the President February 19, 1998 Dear Mr. President, Many of us were involved in organizing the Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf in 1990 to support President Bush’s policy of expelling Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Seven years later, Saddam Hussein is still in power in Baghdad. And despite his defeat […]
Save Small Political Magazines I Just
Save Small Political Magazines I just got this from David Corn: ‘ Postal regulators have accepted a scheme designed in part by lobbyists for the Time Warner media conglomerate. In short, mailing costs for mega-magazines like Time Warner’s own Time, People and Sports Illustrated will go up only slightly or decrease. But smaller publications like […]
Lobe On Neocons And Public Diplomacy
Lobe on Neocons and Public Diplomacy Boston Review on Iran Veteran journalist and neocon watcher, Jim Lobe points out that as the Neoconservatives have lost direct political power, they have emerged in key positions in public diplomacy– especially Radio Farda (‘Radio Marti’ for Iran) and al-Hurra (the US-owned Arabic satellite tv channel that is struggling […]
Baya Bombing Kills 2 Dozen 3 British
Baya` Bombing kills 2 Dozen 3 British troops killed at Basra Congressional Study slams Iraqi security agencies A massive bomb in the Shiite Baya’ district of Baghdad killed 25, wounded 40, and destroyed 40 cars on Thursday morning. In the southern port of Basra, guerrillas used a roadside bomb to kill 3 British soldiers and […]
Cole In Salon On Surge My Column At
Cole in Salon on the Surge My column at Salon.com on Senator Lugar’s revolt over the Iraq surge is now available online. Excerpt: ‘ June 28, 2007 | Earlier this week Sen. Richard Lugar, the senior Republican from Indiana, dismissed the U.S. “surge” in Iraq as unlikely to succeed. He condemned any illusions about staying […]
Sunni Minister Arrested For Alleged Hit
Sunni Minister Arrested for Alleged Hit; Khamenei Pledges Security Cooperation to Talabani Iraqi troops sought on Tuesday to arrest a serving cabinet minister in the Iraqi government on charges of having ordered a hit on a sitting parliamentarian! Culture Minister As`ad Kamal al-Hashimi was fingered by two guerrillas in US captivity as the one who […]
16 Bodies Found In Baghdad Anbar Tribal
16 Bodies found in Baghdad Anbar Tribal Model Questioned The ‘Anbar Model’ of arming Sunni tribespeople to fight religious extremists is being queried by many experts. Sawt al-Iraq reports in Arabic that the Da`wa Party, the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, and the Kurdistan Alliance, have made a new compact, in an attempt to support Prime […]