US Public Skeptical of “Surge,” 72% Disapprove of Bush’s Handling of Iraq It isn’t amazing that 61% of Americans think the US should never have invaded Iraq. [- Courtesy NYT/CBS.] What is amazing is that 35% still think it was a good idea. It isn’t amazing that 76% (including 51% of Republicans) of Americans say […]
Cheney Conniving At Iran War Says Bush
Cheney Conniving at Iran War Says Bush Cannot be Trusted Shorter Steve Clemons: Cheney and his staff are colluding with the Neoconservatives at the American Enterprise Institute and with Israeli hawks to sideline Condi Rice’s negotiations with Iran by getting up an Israeli cruise missile strike on Iranian civilian nuclear research facilities at Natanz, in […]
Muqtada Renews Call For Us Departure
Muqtada Renews call for US Departure Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr, the young Shiite nationalist cleric, preached openly at Kufa before about 1,000 worshippers for the first time in many months on Friday, AFP reports in Arabic at Sawt al-Iraq He preached in his kafan, or burial shroud, a sign of defiance and willingness to be martyred. […]
Democratic Party Divided On Iraq
Democratic Party Divided on Iraq Supplemental Although everyone is syaing that September is now the potential turning point in congressional support for the Iraq War, I don’t see how things will change much then. Supporters of the “surge” will be able to find some evidence of “progress” even if it is “slow.” Unless there are […]
Sadr And Shiite Politics Sawt Al Iraq
Sadr and Shiite Politics Sawt al-Iraq carries a report that Muqtada al-Sadr is back in Najaf after travels in Lebanon and Iran. The US military is cautiously reporting the same information, though with less certainty. It is thought possible that Muqtada will preach in Kufa on Friday. Meanwhile, the US military announced on Friday morning […]
Guerrillas Kill 9 Us Gis Over 100 Dead
Guerrillas Kill 9 US GIs Over 100 Dead in New Wave of Violence Sectarian Killings at forefront Again Sunni Arab guerrillas killed 9 US GIs in five separate attacks on Wednesday, bringing the death toll for May so far to 80. A tenth soldier was found floating in the Euphrates on Wednesday. He was one […]
Bushies Just Made It Up Saddam Al Qaeda
The Bushies Just Make it Up: Iraq & al-Qaeda Bush was out there again on Wednesday trying to link Iraq to al-Qaeda and maintaining that the US was mainly fighting it in that country. In fact, No Mahdi Army Shiites are al-Qaeda. Almost all Sunni Arab guerrilla cells are Baathist or Salafi rather than al-Qaeda. […]
Starving Americans Out Someone In Green
Starving the Americans Out Someone in the Green Zone leaked the following memo, which shows that US personnel are now actually facing difficulties in getting food by convoy up from Kuwait. They avoid local food in the Baghdad region because of the danger guerrillas will poison it. ‘Due to a theater-wide delay in food delivery, […]
Dems Blink On Timetable New Iraq Plan
Dems Blink on Timetable; New Iraq Plan on the Ground The Democratic leadership in the House and Senate blinked on a troop withdrawal timetable today. The Warner plan, which substitutes 19 benchmarks to be achieved by the Iraqi government for the exact departure dates of US troops, puts some reporting restrictions on Bush but essentially […]