New Template Whenever I have changed my template it has been traumatic for some readers, and I deeply apologize. Some are complaining about the font size being too small. I will try to fix that. But, in this day and age you don’t need me to fix it for you. In I.E. go to “view” […]
Mahdi Army Police Fight In Nasiriyah
Mahdi Army, Police Fight in Nasiriyah Fallon said to Oppose Iran Strike Serious fighting broke out Wednesday morning in the southern Shiite city of Nasiriyah, between local police and the miltiamen of Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army. Most local police forces are heavily infiltrated by the Badr Corps of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, so that […]
Wolfie Soprano Paul Wolfowitz Pleaded
Wolfie Soprano Paul Wolfowitz pleaded his case before the executive board of the World Bank on Tuesday. The Bush administration continued to try to keep him in office. Why? Why try so hard? It is clear that Wolfowitz does not have the confidence of his staff, and could not possibly hope to be an effective […]
Jordanian Dailies On Cheney Visit
Jordanian Dailies on Cheney Visit Condemn Iran “Madness” The USG Open Source Center paraphrases the Jordanian newspapers on Cheney’s visit to Amman and talks with King Abdullah II. Note the insistence that the Arabs don’t want a conflict with Iran, contrary to what the American Right keeps suggesting. ‘ Jordan: Dailies on Cheney-King Talks, Jordan’s […]
Lawrence Wrights Play My Trip To Al
Lawrence Wright’s Play “My Trip to Al-Qaeda” Don’t Miss the Special Engagement of Pulitzer Prize-Winner Lawrence Wright’s My Trip To Al-Qaeda ——————————————————————————– May 10, 2007 MY TRIP TO AL-QAEDA ENCORE Following a sold-out seven-week run at our Mercer Street theater and the recent announcement of Mr. Wright’s Pulitzer Prize for The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and […]
Abdullah Ii To Cheney Israeli
Abdullah II to Cheney: Israeli-Palestinian Problem Linked to Iraq 5 US GIs Killed Massive Manhunt for 3 Captured GIs Sunni Arab guerrillas killed 5 US soldiers on Monday, and Shiite militiamen in the south killed a Danish soldier and wounded 5 others with a roadside bomb. Steve Clemons meditates on the death of Lt. Andrew […]
Cole On Laffaire Wolfowitz My Column
Cole on L’Affaire Wolfowitz My column, “Wolfowitz’s Fatal Flaw,” is available at Excerpt: ‘ The small morality play unfolding at the World Bank tells us something significant about how the United States became bogged down in the Iraq quagmire when Wolfowitz was highly influential at the Department of Defense. The simple fact is that […]
137 Killed By Guerrillas Us To Talk To
137 Killed by Guerrillas US to Talk to Iran In a tidal wave of violence, 137 persons were killed or found dead in Iraq on Sunday. Thousands of US troops searched south of Baghdad for 3 captured GIs. The Islamic State of Iraq (a guerrilla group) claimed to have been behind the ambush of two […]
Sunni Arab Guerrillas Attacked Small Us
Cheney in Saudi Arabia 5 US Troops Killed, 3 Missing Iraqi Parliament Decries Walls Cheney is trying to convince King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia not to write off the al-Maliki government or the US military surge strategy. He also tried to smooth over US/Saudi conflicts. King Abdullah is said to have concluded that Iraqi PM […]