8 US Troops Killed; Major bombing at Shiite Market killes 35; Boehner Favores Benchmarks Sunni Arab guerrillas killed nearly 100 persons in Iraq on Sunday in an orgy of civil war violence. The guerrillas in Iraq killed 8 US troops on Sunday, including 6 blown up by a roadside bomb along with an embedded European […]
Al Zawahiri Attacks Democratic Plan In
Al-Zawahiri attacks Democratic Plan in Iraq; 75 Killed in Civil War Violence; Police/Mahdi Army Truce in Najaf Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s no. 2 leader complained in a videotape released Saturday about the Democrats’ plan to withdraw US troops from Iraq. Al-Zawahiri said he preferred that the US remain so that Muslim guerrillas could bleed the US […]
3 Schools Of Islamic Resistance In Iraq
3 Schools of Islamic Resistance in Iraq The USG Open Source Center translates the remarks of a forum participant on the 3 distinct movements of Muslim fundamentalists in Iraq. Forum Participant Says Jihadist Arena Contains ‘Three Schools With Distinct Features’Jihadist Websites — OSC SummarySunday, May 6, 2007 Terrorism: Forum Participant Says Jihadist Arena Contains ‘Three […]
Neighbors Pledge To Halt Iraq Violence
Neighbors Pledge to Halt Iraq Violence Iranian FM Snubs Sec. Rice Four American GIs were announced killed on Friday. The US broke up a weapons smuggling ring in Sadr City. At the Sharm El Sheikh Conference, the neighbors pledged to help with security. The Iranian foreign minister, Manuchehr Mottaki, protested the continued holding of 5 […]
Guest Comment Iraq Prognosis Canny
Guest Comment: Iraq Prognosis A canny Vietnam veteran wrote me the below but requested that it be posted without attribution. I thought it well worth sharing. As I see it, these are some of the things we can expect in the next seven months in Iraq: 1. The last of the “surge” forces (American), will […]
Sharm El Sheikh On Iraq T
Sharm el Sheikh on Iraq T.V. The USG Open Source Center translates or summarizes comments on Iraqi television about the second day of the Sharm el Sheikh Conference, which focused on security issues. Al-Iraqiyah, Al-Sharqiyah Coverage of Sharm al-Shaykh Conference 4 May (2)Iraq — OSC SummaryFriday, May 4, 2007 Baghdad Al-Iraqiyah Television in Arabic — […]
Hillary And End Of Occupation And Of
Hillary and the End of Occupation and of the New Imperialism Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a surprise move, will introduce legislation with Sen. Robert Byrd to revoke the war powers granted to Bush in October of 2002. She says she had originally supported a Byrd amendment at that time to limit those powers to a […]
Rice Meets Syrian Envoy Warren Strobel
Rice Meets Syrian Envoy Donors Cancel $30 Bn. in Iraq Debt Warren Strobel and Miret el Naggar report on US Secretary of State Condi Rice’s meeting at Sharm El Sheikh with the Syrian foreign minister, Walid Moualem. She pressed him to have Syria close its borders with Iraq to infiltrators. US generals on the ground […]
Sharm El Sheikh On Iraqi T
Sharm El Sheikh on Iraqi T.V. The USG Open Source Center has translated and summarized reports on Iraqi television about the conference being held at Sharm El Sheikh on Iraq: Al-Iraqiyah, Al-Sharqiyah Coverage of Sharm al-Shaykh Conference 3 May (2)Iraq– OSC SummaryThursday, May 3, 2007 Baghdad Al-Iraqiyah Television in Arabic — government-sponsored television station, run […]