Dadullah Claim on UBL “Unreliable” The USG Open Source Center has translated the transcript of a Pakistani television interview program that casts doubt on the claim by Mulla Dadullah that Usamah Bin Laden planned out the attack on Bagram, and is also behind the guerrillas in Iraq. Taliban Commander Claim on UBLGeo News TVThursday, April […]
Mcaffrey Iraq Govt Dysfunctional
McCaffrey: Iraq Gov’t Dysfunctional Support for al-Maliki Eroding Now that Senator John McCain has retired the Straight Talk Express, retired general Barry McCaffrey, a veteran of the Gulf War, has taken up the mantle. McCaffrey has recently carried out a study of the situation in Iraq. Highlights (not in original order): “We’re in trouble.” “The […]
Iraqi Press On Baghdad Wall Usg Open
Iraqi Press on Baghdad Wall The USG Open Source Center paraphrases Iraqi press stories on the plan to build a wall around the district of Adhamiya (A’zamiyah) in Baghdad: Iraqi Media Highlights Al-A’zamiyah Wall Construction Story, Cites Reactions Iraq — OSC Report Tuesday, April 24, 2007 T14:13:33Z Iraqi media has increasinlgy highlighted reaction to the […]
10 Coalition Troops Killed Dems Set
10 Coalition Troops Killed Dems set Withdrawal deadline Iraqi crowds Reject Security Wall It was with a heavy heart that I read that 10 Coalition troops were killed on Monday, 9 of them Americans. The guerrillas who attacked the US outpost also wounded 20 other soldiers, 5 of them seriously. Militiamen in Basra killed a […]
69 Dead In Bombings Shootings Al Maliki
69 Dead in Bombings, Shootings; Al-Maliki Stops Wall-building at Adhamiya Reuters reports that a lot of wounded vets from the Iraq War are having to turn to private care. A chilling passage: “Of the nearly 24,000 wounded soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, about a third suffer from some degree of traumatic brain injury, or […]
3 Us 1 Polish Soldiers Killed Protests
3 US, 1 Polish– Soldiers Killed Protests Against Adhamiya Wall Iraqi guerrillas killed three US soldiers and wounded 6 others on Saturday. In a separate attack, guerrillas killed a Polish soldier and wounded others. The attack occurred near Diwaniya in Shiite south Iraq. US troops also came under attack in that area. A city council […]
Sadrists Reject De Baathification Us
Sadrists Reject Abandoning De-Baathification; US Walls off Adhamiya One of the four benchmarks that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates pressed on Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on his recent trip to Baghdad was the end of “de-Baathification” or the exclusion of former Baathists from government jobs and high positions. Most of those disadvantaged by this process […]
5 Coalition Troops Killed 20 Iraqis
5 Coalition Troops Killed, 20 Iraqis Executed Gates Warns Clock Ticking Guerrillas killed 5 Coalition troops in Iraq– 3 Americans and 2 British, and wounded others. US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates warned the Iraqi leadership in a visit to Baghdad on Thursday that the US commitment to that country is not open-ended. Gates indicated […]
Buzz Reason Real Reason Much Of Cable
The Buzz Reason, the Real Reason Much of cable television news is a conspiracy to keep people gossiping about the wrong thing and to prevent them from understanding what is really going on. Here are some examples: The Buzz Reason for the shootings at Virginia Tech? Movie violence. The Real Reason for the shootings at […]