Senate Republicans Defeat Iraq Withdrawal Timetable; 5 US Troops Killed 5 US GIs were announced killed on Thursday. Militiamen or guerrillas killed 4 with a bomb as they were returning from Sadr City (Shiite East Baghdad). Another had been killed on Wednesday by Sunni Arab guerrillas in al-Anbar Province. Police found 20 bodies in the […]
Clinton Would Keep Troops In Iraq
Clinton Would Keep Troops in Iraq Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday that she would keep some US troops in Iraq to fight al-Qaeda, curb Iranian influence, protect the Kurds and assist the Iraqi military. The elements of this plan will not work or are unnecessary. 1. The Kurds don’t need protecting. Their Peshmerga military, […]
4 Us Troops Killed 9 Wounded 1993 Wtc
4 US Troops Killed, 9 Wounded 1993 WTC Attack was al-Qaeda, not Saddam A lot of commentators will note that Khalid Sheikh Muhammad has admitted that he planned out the 9/11 attacks. What they will miss is that he claimed the 1993 World Trade Center bombing as his idea, as well, and as an al-Qaeda […]
Sunni Arab Member Of Parliament
Sunni Arab Member of Parliament Criticizes al-Maliki Government The USG Open Source Center carries a translation of remarks of Khalaf al-Ulayyan, a member of parliament from the Sunni Iraqi Accord Front, made in Amman recently. Al-Ulayyan implies a conspiracy by the al-Maliki government to expel several Sunni Arab members of parliament on the grounds that […]
Ic Parodic News Edition Note To Humor
IC Parodic News Edition Note to the humor impaired: Satire follows. Item: US petroleum company Halliburton, which received billions of dollars in no-bid contracts from the Bush administration for work in Iraq, is moving its corporate headquarters to Dubai. In other news, Vice President Dick Cheney announced Wednesday that he would be moving the Vice […]
House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi Got
Hamudi: Iraqi Spies to be Placed in Embassies Abroad AIPAC Boos Pelosi on Iraq Withdrawal Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi got booed at the conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee when she called for a US withdrawal from Iraq. I don’t have a link for it, but some journalists maintained […]
Democrats Blink On Iran Restriction
Democrats Blink on Iran Restriction Khatami Calls on Iran to Allay Western Fears The Democrats are blinking and taking out of proposed legislation a provision that would have forbidden Bush to take military action against Iran without coming to the Congress first (i.e. without acting in accordance with the Constitution). I’m not sure why you […]
More Shiite Pilgrims Hit Iraqi
More Shiite Pilgrims Hit; Iran says it Wants Iraq Stability Iraqi guerrillas killed two US GIs on Sunday. Meanwhile, as some Americans were risking their lives, Bush campaign guru Karl Rove had it sweeter than ever. Not only was he betraying the United States of America by outing a covert CIA operative, Valerie Plame Wilson– […]
50 Killed In Two Major Sadr City
50 Killed in two Major Sadr City Bombings US & Iran Speak at Baghdad Meet Guerrillas detonated two major bombs in Shiite Sadr City (East Baghdad) on Saturday, killing nearly 50 persons and wounding many more. They set off the bombs not very far away from where diplomats from neighboring countries and the US were […]