Boles Guest Editorial: the Qaedization of Iraq Dr. David Boles writes: I am becoming alarmed that no one is highlighting what appears to be a new and quite bald propaganda push to “Al-Qaida”-ize Iraq. Within the last week we have seen the following claims: WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 (UPI) — U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice […]
Bryer On Source Of Mines Used In Iraq
Bryer on Source of Mines Used in Iraq Philip Bryer writes:
Army Secretary Forced To Resign Police
Army Secretary Forced to Resign; Police Hostages Executed over Rape Charges Secretary of the Army Francis Harvey was forced to resign Friday over the scandal of substandard conditions at a wing of Walter Reed Hospital. Note that all the time Donald Rumsfeld was in office, and despite horrible errors, no one ever had to resign, […]
Iran Efp Story New Yellowcake Scandal
Iran EFP Story a New “Yellowcake” Scandal? An informed reader writes: Your reference to the Drew Brown McClatchy wire service report carried by the Mercury News about possible Sunni involvement in the IEDs and EFPs that have allegedly killed upwards of 170 Americans could be the tendrils of the new “Yellowcake” scandal of the Administration’s […]
Violence In Iraqi Provinces Allawi
Violence in Iraqi Provinces Allawi withdrawal, Coup Rumors Sunni Arab guerrillas killed a Marine in al-Anbar Province on Thursday. Guerrillas in Falluja blew up a police wedding, killing 7 and wounding 10. Guerrillas in East Baghdad set off a bomb, targetting a minibus full of government employees, killing one person and wounding 4. Guerrillas in […]
Osc Regional Press Reaction To Us In
OSC: Regional Press Reaction to US in Baghdad Parley The US government Open Source Center surveys and paraphrases the Middle Eastern press reaction to the news that the US will attend the conference of foreign ministers to be held in Baghdad, which will include Iran and Syria: “OSC Analysis 01 Mar: Middle East on US […]
Us Military Exaggerated Deaths From
US Military Exaggerated Deaths from Shiite Militias; EFPs used by Sunnis in Sunni Areas; No significant Drop in Casualties with Security Plan Sunni Arab guerrillas account for 90 percent of deadly attacks on US troops in Iraq, concludes Drew Brown of the McClatchy wire service. He shows, as well, that explosively formed projectiles were used […]
Iran Will It Or Wont It Ap Reports That
Iran: Will it or Won’t It? AP reports that Iran will attend the meeting of Iraq’s neighbors with the US to be held later this month in Baghdad. There had earlier been some question whether Iran would attend if the US was coming. Hans Blix, the former UN weapons inspector, has spoken out against Bush […]
Helman Guest Editorial Regional
Helman Guest Editorial: Regional Conference with Iran Ambassador Gerald B. Helman writes: “In the weeks ahead, the Administration likely will try to play down the importance of its agreement to participate in a regional conference on Iraq. The decision was announced by Secretary Rice at the tag end of her testimony February 27 to the […]