Al Gore, Global Warming, the Oscars and the Iraq War That the Al Gore film “An Inconvenient Truth” was legitimized by an Oscar Sunday night for “Best Documentary” has wider implications for the future of the United States than it might seem, though admittedly it is a small step. We know that Exxon Mobil is […]
University Bombing Casts Doubt On
University Bombing Casts Doubt on Security Plan Muqtada Calls on Iraqi Army to Act without US Help A suicide bomber with a bomb belt got into the lobby of the School of Administration and Economy of Mustansiriya University in Baghdad and managed to set it off despite being spotted at the last minute by university […]
American Jews Blacks Fiercest Opponents
American Jews, Blacks, Fiercest Opponents of Iraq War 77% of American Jews oppose the Iraq war, according to a new Gallup poll. Only Black Protestants are more opposed, at 78%. (Given that the Pope and the bishops oppose the Iraq War, you’d think Catholics would be against it in large numbers, too. But only 28% […]
Barratt British Troops Not Withdrawing
Barratt: British Troops Not Withdrawing, being Redeployed to Afghanistan Keith Barratt writes: “I should like to correct a myth that has been accepted by much of the media and accepted by the majority on the Right and Left because it fits their various agendas. It is not true that a firm commitment has been made […]
Al Hakim Targeted With Car Bomb
Al-Hakim Targeted with Car Bomb; Thousands of Shiites Protest US in Najaf; Enormous Bomb Hits Habaniya Mosque Late Saturday, the US Air Force launched a series of bombing raids on southeast Baghdad. This is absolutely shameful, that the US is bombing from the air a civilian city that it militarily occupies. You can’t possibly do […]
Khalilzad Apologizes For Arrest Of
Khalilzad Apologizes for Arrest of Ammar al-Hakim Maliki Government stalls Changes in Debaathification The US has released Ammar al-Hakim and US ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad apologized profusely for his arrest. The US military is giving three reasons for his arrest: He entered Iraq at a closed border station, his passport was expired, and his party was […]
Breaking News Us Arrests Ammar Al Hakim
Breaking News: US Arrests Ammar al-Hakim US troops arrested Ammar al-Hakim, the son of Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, on his return from Iran. There are conflicting reports on whether he has been released. Abdul Aziz al-Hakim is the leader of the United Iraqi Alliance, the major bloc in parliament, and is enormously powerful and influential in […]
Cole In Salon On British Troop
Cole in Salon on British Troop Withdrawal My article,The British retreat from Iraq brings peril for U.S. Troops: Vice President Cheney says the British are leaving southern Iraq because things are going so well. In the real world, Basra is a mess is out in Excerpt: ‘ In reality, southern Iraq is a quagmire […]
Bombings In Tal Afar Kirkuk Dems Plan
Bombing in Tal Afar, Clashes in Ramadi Dems Plan to bring Troops Home in spring, O8 Senate Democrats are crafting legislation that would bring US troops home by spring of 2008. Reuters rounds up political violence on Thursday. Bombings in Kirkuk, clashes in al-Anbar province, bodies found in Baghdad. 2 US GIs killed. Saeed Shah […]