Austrian Rifles via Iran?: Another Crock An extremely well-informed observer sent me this comment on the story that Iran is sending high-powered Austrian rifles to Iraqi Shiites. Like the whole USG story about Iran supplying deadly weapons to dangerous Shiite militias, this one turns out to be riddled with falsehoods. ‘ Please allow me to […]
Congressional Revolution On Iraq Blasts
Congressional Resolution on Iraq Blasts Bush Policies 56% Say Iraq War is hopeless. The House passed a non-binding resolution opposing the escalation of the Iraq War by a significant margin, 246 to 182. Only 17 Republicans broke ranks to vote with the Democrats on the “surge,” while 2 Democrats rejected the resolution. The resolution is […]
53 Of Americans Want Us Out Of Iraq Car
53% of Americans Want US Out of Iraq Car bombs, 20 Bodies in Baghdad Despite Crackdown The percentage of Americans in a Pew Research Center poll who want US troops out of Iraq surged by 5 percent in the past month to 53 percent. Sunni Arab guerrillas killed a US GI in al-Anbar Province on […]
Brandeis Defunded By Rich Likudniks
Brandeis Defunded by Rich Likudniks Super-wealthy donors have retaliated against Brandeis University for inviting former president Jimmy Carter to speak on campus in connection with his book on Israeli Apartheid in the West Bank. They said they will withold further donations to the school. The president of Brandeis, Jehuda Reinharz, once commented on Middle East […]
5 Us Troops Killed In Sunni Arab Areas
5 US Troops Killed in Sunni Arab Areas US Raids Office of SCIRI Leader Saghir The US military is reporting the deaths of 6 US troops in Iraq. Four were killed by a roadside bomb in Sunni-majority Diyala Province where the US has been fighting Sunni Arab guerrillas. Another was killed “north of Baghdad” (i.e. […]
Cole Appearance On Countdown With Keith
Cole Appearance on Countdown with Keith Olbermann Suspicions about Pentagon’s Iran Weapons Story The video of my Monday night appearance on Countdown with Keith Olbermann is now available on the Web. Scroll down to the link with my picture and click on “launch.” Olbermann, at 8 pm on weekdays on MSNBC, does perhaps the best […]
On Mystery Of Muqtada Al Sadrs
On the Mystery of Muqtada al-Sadr’s Disappearance US government sources are saying that nationalist Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr fled to neighboring Iran three weeks ago. Sadrist aides denied the report. This on a day when two major bombings left 66 persons wounded or dead in the capital, and 20 bodies were found in the streets […]
139 Killed As Iraqi Public Doubts
139 Killed, as Iraqi Public Doubts Security Plan 16,000 Demonstrate in Karbala AP reports that political violence killed 139 persons in Iraq on Monday and must have wounded hundreds more. The biggest loss of life came with three coordinated truck bombings of the Shiite Shurja market, which brought down buildings and killed 70. Prime Minister […]
Wealthy Gulf Shiites Allegedly Funding
Wealthy Gulf Shiites Allegedly Funding Iraqi Shiite Militias International arms dealers are supplying enormous amounts of arms to guerrilla groups in Iraq. A Maltese businessman was recently arrested, part of a multi-national smuggling ring that has provided 500,000 machine guns and 10 million rounds of ammunition. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter Pace is unwilling […]