Police Massacre at Dour Near Tikrit, 30 Dead Iraqi Government distances Itself from US charges against Iran Sunni Arab guerrillas deployed a truck bomb against Iraqi police in Dour near Tikrit (a Sunni city of over 100,000 north of Baghdad), killing 30 persons (many of them police) and wounding 50. Tikrit is in the province […]
Jaafari Expresses Regret Over Us
Jaafari Expresses Regret over US Capture of Iranian Diplomats At a time when the Bush administration is making wild and unsubstantiated charges against Iran, a leader of Iraq’s ruling Da’wa Party is in Tehran expressing profound regret for the US arrest of Iranian diplomats. He called on Saturday for US troops to depart the country. […]
Nyt Falls For Bogus Iran Weapons
NYT Falls for Bogus Iran Weapons Charges Completely Implausible Numbers are Thrown Around Repeat of Judy Miller Scandal This NYT article depends on unnamed USG sources who alleged that 25 percent of US military deaths and woundings in Iraq in October-December of 2006 were from explosively formed penetrator bombs fashioned in Iran and given to […]
Putin Denounces Unilateral Us Iraq War
Putin Denounces Unilateral US Iraq War Jaafari Calls for US Troops to Depart The US military on Saturday announced 3 GIs killed and 4 wounded in al-Anbar province. Reuters reports political violence in Iraq for Saturday, including a car bombing in Karrada that killed 5 Iraqis and wounded 10. There also other killings, in east […]
Guerrillas Kill 3 Gis Us Accidentally
Guerrillas Kill 3 GIs US Accidentally Kills 8 Kurdish Policemen Reuters reports on political violence in Iraq on Friday. Three US GIs were announced killed by enemy fire in al-Anbar Province. In the southern port city of Basra, guerrillas set off a roadside bomb that killed one British soldier and wounded 3 others. *Guerrillas in […]
Feith In Situation Room Three Lies
Feith in the Situation Room: Three Lies Former No. 3 at the Pentagon under Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Douglas Feith, has been found guilty by the Inspector General of “inappropriate” behavior in setting up a rogue unit inside the Pentagon to cherry pick intelligence so as to get up a war. Of course, the […]
Sadrist Deputy Health Minister Arrested
Sadrist Deputy Health Minister Arrested Day of Carnage with Over 100 killed. AP reports that the Sadrist deputy Health Minister, Hakim al-Zamili, detained on Thursday was handcuffed by US troops accompanying a Special Operations unit of the Iraqi army that was vetted by the US. When the Sadr Movement joined the Shiite coalition, the United […]
Helicopter Crash Killed 7 Us Gis On
Crash Kills 7 GIs Arab Demonstration in Kirkuk A helicopter crash killed 7 US GIs on Wednesday. AP interviewed an Iraqi farmer in the area who said he heard a missile being fired before the crash, and a radical Muslim group took responsibility. Only an investigation will settle if it was a shoot-down, but the […]
3 Month Record For Us Troops Killed
3 Month Record For US Troops Killed Da’wa Terror Figure Member of Parliament More US troops were killed in the past 3 months in Iraq than in any comparable period since the war began. The kidnapping by guerrillas in Iraqi army uniforms of the second secretary of the Iranian embassy in Baghdad has raised tensions […]