Guerrillas Kill 3 GIs US Accidentally Kills 8 Kurdish Policemen Reuters reports on political violence in Iraq on Friday. Three US GIs were announced killed by enemy fire in al-Anbar Province. In the southern port city of Basra, guerrillas set off a roadside bomb that killed one British soldier and wounded 3 others. *Guerrillas in […]
Feith In Situation Room Three Lies
Feith in the Situation Room: Three Lies Former No. 3 at the Pentagon under Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Douglas Feith, has been found guilty by the Inspector General of “inappropriate” behavior in setting up a rogue unit inside the Pentagon to cherry pick intelligence so as to get up a war. Of course, the […]
Sadrist Deputy Health Minister Arrested
Sadrist Deputy Health Minister Arrested Day of Carnage with Over 100 killed. AP reports that the Sadrist deputy Health Minister, Hakim al-Zamili, detained on Thursday was handcuffed by US troops accompanying a Special Operations unit of the Iraqi army that was vetted by the US. When the Sadr Movement joined the Shiite coalition, the United […]
Helicopter Crash Killed 7 Us Gis On
Crash Kills 7 GIs Arab Demonstration in Kirkuk A helicopter crash killed 7 US GIs on Wednesday. AP interviewed an Iraqi farmer in the area who said he heard a missile being fired before the crash, and a radical Muslim group took responsibility. Only an investigation will settle if it was a shoot-down, but the […]
3 Month Record For Us Troops Killed
3 Month Record For US Troops Killed Da’wa Terror Figure Member of Parliament More US troops were killed in the past 3 months in Iraq than in any comparable period since the war began. The kidnapping by guerrillas in Iraqi army uniforms of the second secretary of the Iranian embassy in Baghdad has raised tensions […]
Republican Senators Block Debate On
Republican Senators Block Debate on Iraq al-Hakim in Tehran seeks Regional Cooperation The Republican Party blocked a debate in the Senate over Iraq War policy. The Republicans not so long ago were trying to get rid of the consensus rules, filibuster and other techniques the minority has at its disposal. They are singing a different […]
Is Tokyo Going Wobbly On Iraq Shengetsu
Is Tokyo Going Wobbly on Iraq? The Shengetsu Newsletter follows: ‘ Newsletter No. 508 News-Analysis February 6, 2007 IS TOKYO “GOING WOBBLY” ON IRAQ? Just two weeks after Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma described the US invasion of Iraq “based on an assumption that weapons of mass destruction existed” in Iraq a mistake, comes a new […]
1000 Killed In Iraq In Past Week
1,000 Killed in Iraq in Past Week;Parliamentarians call for Expulsion of Arabs, Iranians The Reuters headline says it all: ‘Iraq: Children living without limbs lack support.’. Al-Hayat [Life] reports in Arabic that a tit for tat debate broke out in the Iraqi parliament on Sunday. Shiite delegates from the United Iraqi Alliance demanded the expulsion […]
Shamss Parody Of Bush Video Clip As
Shams’s Parody of Bush: Video Clip as Resistance When I hear Bush and Cheney keep talking about “getting the job done” in Iraq, the thing that most amazes me is that they don’t know they are laughingstocks in the region. It isn’t just that they are widely hated, or distrusted, or viewed as failures. It […]