Cole Appearance in SF Cancelled “Juan Cole will be speaking in San Francisco at the First Universalist Unitarian Church, 1187 Franklin St. at Geary, Saturday, January 20 at 5:00 pm.” Alas, my hosts could not make this happen after all. So sorry for the inconvenience.
Bombings In Sadr City Kirkuk Dozens
Bombings in Sadr City, Kirkuk– Dozens Dead Al-Hakim Criticizes Bush on Irbil Raid Another big bombing by guerrillas in Shiite Sadr City killed 25. Guerrillas in Kirkuk set off a bomb that killed 10 and wounded 48. Militiamen in Basra used a roadside bomb to kill two Coalition, probably British troops. Reuters reports other political […]
125 Killed Hundreds Wounded By
125 Killed, Hundreds Wounded by Bombings, Assassinations Guerrillas kill 4 US Troops UN Says 34452 Iraqi Civilians Killed in 06 Resolution Condemning Escalation Introduced in Senate Reuters reports that the death toll from the bombings at Mustansiriya University on Tuesday rose to 70, with 180 wounded. A lot of them were 17 and 18 year-old […]
International Journal Of Contemporary
International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies The first issue of the International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies is up on the Web and freely accessible. There are several good articles. The table of contents is: The Islamist imaginaryIslam,Iraq,and the projections of empireAuthors: Raymond W. Baker Media and lobbyist support for the US invasion of IraqAuthors: […]
Breaking News 60 Dead 110 Wounded In
Breaking News: 60 Dead, 110 Wounded in University Bombing Guerrillas used a car bomb and a suicide bomber to kill 60 persons, wounding 110 more, at the entrance to the Mustansiriya University in Baghdad, , according to Reuters. The article quotes a university official saying that most of the casualties were female students returning home. […]
70 Killed In Orgy Of Bombings
70 Killed in Orgy of Bombings, Kidnappings Shiites Consult Sistani on Iran/Mahdi Army Strategy Ankara Conference on Kirkuk: Kurds disinvited So there is no sign yet that the guerrillas and militiamen in Iraq are lying low in fear of a new US offensive. They set off numerous bombs all over the capital, targeted Kurds in […]
Cole In Bay Area Here Is How Things
Cole in Bay Area Here is how things have shaped up for later this week when I’m on the West Coast. Wednesday Jan 17, 7 pm.UC Santa Cruz: “Juan Cole, professor of Middle Eastern history at the University of Michigan and moderator of the “Informed Comment” blog will give a talk on the Iraq War […]
Sleeping Through Revolution Martin
“Sleeping through the Revolution”: Martin Luther King on the Evils of War Here are some excerpts on war from Martin Luther King, Jr., “Remaining Awake Through A Great Revolution. The comments in italics are mine. ‘ I want to say one other challenge that we face is simply that we must find an alternative to […]
Iraq For Land Can Jordan Egypt And
Iraq for Land: Can Jordan, Egypt and other Sunni Arab States Get a Real State for the Palestinians, Peace for Israel, and Peace for Iraq all at Once? Will Bush even let them Try? Bush admitted that he needs the help of the governments of Sunni Arab states neighboring or in the vicinity of Iraq […]