Bay Area I’m going to be in the Bay Area, Ca., for talks Jan. 17-20. Thanks so much for your kind responses. The itinerary is full except for Saturday when I will be in SF proper. Public talks on this trip have now been arranged: UC Santa Cruz January 17 (Wednesday, 7 PM, College 9/10 […]
Ethnic Cleansing In Battle For Baghdad
Ethnic Cleansing in Battle for Baghdad Sistani Aide Claims threat to Islamic Line McClatchy reports a mortar attack on Zafaraniya in Baghdad, which killed 5 and wounded 15. Another two civilians were injured in al-Amil by mortar attacks. Police found 12 bodies in Baghdad. Gunmen abducted an American civilian and two of his Iraqi aides […]
Cole On Air America Al Franken Had Me
Cole on Air America Al Franken had me on the show Friday to discuss Iraq. Al played the notorious clip from Bill Kristol decrying the “pop sociology” that Iraqi Shiites wanted a religious state and that there would be Sunni-Shiite violence. It was a trip down memory lane. Bill Kristol still has more influence on […]
Adults Take Charge Reality Based
The Adults take Charge The Reality Based Community Strikes Back in Iraq The professionals take charge. Bush is bringing in Ryan Crocker, a distinguished career foreign service officer, as the new US ambassador to Iraq. And Gen. David Petraeus will replace Gen. Casey as top ground commander in Iraq. Zalmay Khalilzad, the outgoing ambassador to […]
Iranian Diplomats Consulted On Iraq
Iranian Diplomats Consulted on Iraq Cabinet Changes Sistani Aide Killed in Karbala While American press reporting on the US military’s arrest of Iranians at the compound of Iraqi cleric have focused on the possibility that they were bringing arms, British intelligence has a different take. They say there is no conclusive evidence in the documents […]
Hate Radio And Disney Slapp Daily Kos
Hate Radio and a Disney SLAPP Daily Kos has the saga of one person’s campaign against hate radio. Spocko’s problem, that he was posting audio files and has been threatened with a suit by Disney, is easily solved, it seems to me. He should just type up 600-word short excerpts from each file and post […]
Muqtada Al Sadr And Sunnis Mickey Kaus
Muqtada al-Sadr and the Sunnis Mickey Kaus of Kausfiles saw the Mehr report that I linked to yesterday and inquired, ‘ [I was baffled] by how Sadr could be negotiating to form an alliance with Sunnis at this point. It would be a big service to other non-experts if you could explain how this is […]
Al Maliki Hints At Early Departure
Al-Maliki Hints at Early Departure Saddam Executed by Militiamen Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has said that he would like to step down before the end of his 4-yeat term and that he certainly would not seek a second term. Al-Maliki has been criticized for failing to restore security to Iraq, for not cracking down on […]
Uia Woos Muqtada Inquiry Launched Into
UIA woos Muqtada Inquiry Launched into Saddam Execution Irregularities MENA, the Egyptian news agency, reports a demonstration of hundreds of persons on Tuesday in Habhab near Baquba, protesting Saddam’s execution. The demonstrators denounced the Iraqi and American governments. An Iraqi observer at Saddam’s execution, prosecutor Munqidh Faraon, maintains that two senior Iraqi government officials took […]