Al-Maliki Hints at Early Departure Saddam Executed by Militiamen Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has said that he would like to step down before the end of his 4-yeat term and that he certainly would not seek a second term. Al-Maliki has been criticized for failing to restore security to Iraq, for not cracking down on […]
Uia Woos Muqtada Inquiry Launched Into
UIA woos Muqtada Inquiry Launched into Saddam Execution Irregularities MENA, the Egyptian news agency, reports a demonstration of hundreds of persons on Tuesday in Habhab near Baquba, protesting Saddam’s execution. The demonstrators denounced the Iraqi and American governments. An Iraqi observer at Saddam’s execution, prosecutor Munqidh Faraon, maintains that two senior Iraqi government officials took […]
Apocalypse Ii In Samarra Us Kills 6 At
Apocalypse II in Samarra US Kills 6 at National Dialogue Front Office CBS/AP report that an angry crowd of Sunni Arab demonstrators in the northern city of Samarra, protesting Saddam’s execution, broke “broke the locks off the badly damaged Shiite Golden Dome mosque and marched through carrying a mock coffin and photo of the executed […]
Conflicting Accounts Of Cia And Saddam
Conflicting accounts of CIA and Saddam, 1959-1963 My posting last Saturday, For Whom the Bell Tolls: Top Ten Ways the US Enabled Saddam Hussein has elicited a very interesting account by a US government insider contesting the allegations about CIA-Saddam connections early in his life, specifically 1959-1963, and which denies CIA complicity in the first […]
Us Reaction To 1963 Baath Coup Since
US Reaction to 1963 Baath Coup Since the 1963 Baath coup has come up here twice this week, I thought readers might be interested in the three pieces of correspondence below, from the Foreign Relations of the United States, which is now being put on line. FRUS is anything but complete, and critics complain that […]
Rosen On Shiite Execution Of Saddam
Rosen on Shiite Execution of Saddam Nir Rosen at Iraqslogger has a fine analysis of the Sunni Arab reaction to the hanging of Saddam, and includes a partial transcript of the highly sectarian, Shiite chanting at the scene by Iraqi politicians in attendance. I can confirm that Rosen’s partial transcript is accurate. Cindy Sheehan’s son […]
Saddam Buried Malikis New Strategy
Saddam Buried Maliki’s New Strategy? Saddam Hussein was laid to rest in the village of al-Awjah near Tikrit, his birthplace. In Salahuddin Province there is anger about the haste with which Saddam was executed and its timing, early on the morning of the Eid al-Adha. Although the US press is reporting that there weren’t many […]
Us Press On 3000 Us Troops Killed In
US Press on 3,000 US troops Killed in Iraq Allen Breed of AP writes poignantly about , the section at Arlington cemetery that contains the remains of some of the 3,000 GIs killed in combat in Iraq. Editor and Publisher breaks down the deaths of US troops in Iraq by category. Nadia Malik of the […]
What Number 3000 Hides Iraqi
What the Number 3000 Hides Iraqi guerrillas killed 6 more GIs and AP put the total dead in combat at 2998. The dreadful milestone of 3000 is upon us. Like all statistics, this one is deceptive. It does not include US troops killed in Afghanistan, that oddly forgotten war where the US still has a […]