Polk Guest Editorial: Pros and Cons of ISG The Baker-Hamilton Study: Pluses and Minuses William R. Polk ‘In recent days, as you know, there has been a great deal of publicity on the Baker-Hamilton plan for dealing with the problems the United States faces in Iraq and for restarting the peace process on the Palestine […]
Guerrillas Kill 7 Gis Blow Up 52
Guerrillas Kill 7 GIs, blow up 52 Iraqis AFP rounds up the violence in Iraq on Tuesday. 7 more US GIs were killed, and bombings in Baghdad and Kirkuk killed and wounded scores. Fighting broke out between US troops and Mahdi Army militiamen in East Baghdad. Emily Miller’s op-ed on her brother in Iraq is […]
Ford And Foreign Policy Snapshots From
Ford and Foreign Policy: Snapshots from the 1970s Former President Gerald Ford has died at 93. A Wolverine star of the early 1930s at the University of Michigan, Ford passed up an opportunity to play for the Detroit Lions in the new NFL, going instead to law school. He was Richard Nixon’s vice president during […]
Top Ten Myths About Iraq 2006 1
Top Ten Myths about Iraq 2006 1. Myth number one is that the United States “can still win” in Iraq. Of course, the truth of this statement, frequently still made by William Kristol and other Neoconservatives, depends on what “winning” means. But if it means the establishment of a stable, pro-American, anti-Iranian government with an […]
Shiite Militias And Iran In Iraq
Shiite Militias and Iran in Iraq Another US soldier was killed on Christmas Day, bringing the number of GIs killed in Iraq to one more than the number of persons killed in the 9/11 attacks. AP reports that the British raided a police HQ and prison in Basra when they heard that the unit was […]
Christmas In Middle East Silent Night
Christmas in the Middle East Silent night, Al-Zaman reports that “The Our Lady of Salvation Church in Baghdad appeared almost deserted on Christmas Eve. Christian celebrations of Christmas were limited to private homes. Iraqi Christians had announced last week that they would suspend official celebration, out of solidarity with the tragedy of the Iraqi people.” […]
Sistani Rejects New Sunni Shiite
Sistani Rejects New Sunni-Shiite Coalition 6 Dead in Samawa Clashes 47 Bodies in Baghdad Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has rejected a plan for a new coalition in the Iraqi parliament that would ally the Shiite Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq with the Sunni Arab Iraqi Islamic Party and the Kurdistan Alliance. The plan […]
5 Us Gis Killed British Raid Rogue
5 US GIs Killed British Raid Rogue Police in Basra Coeds Raped, Killed in Baghdad Reuters reports several deadly bombings in Baghdad. In addition, US military spokesmen said that 5 GIs were killed by guerrillas on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, “Three U.S. Marines and a sailor were killed in action in the western Anbar […]
Swearing On Quran And Nut On Miami
Swearing on the Qur’an And the Nut on Miami Florida Governor Jeb Bush called Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo “a nut” for comparing Miami to a “third world” country. Cuban-Americans and other minorities who vote Republican in the fond hope that the American Right will accept them should reconsider. The American Right is about exclusion and […]