Sistani Rejects New Sunni-Shiite Coalition 6 Dead in Samawa Clashes 47 Bodies in Baghdad Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has rejected a plan for a new coalition in the Iraqi parliament that would ally the Shiite Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq with the Sunni Arab Iraqi Islamic Party and the Kurdistan Alliance. The plan […]
5 Us Gis Killed British Raid Rogue
5 US GIs Killed British Raid Rogue Police in Basra Coeds Raped, Killed in Baghdad Reuters reports several deadly bombings in Baghdad. In addition, US military spokesmen said that 5 GIs were killed by guerrillas on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, “Three U.S. Marines and a sailor were killed in action in the western Anbar […]
Swearing On Quran And Nut On Miami
Swearing on the Qur’an And the Nut on Miami Florida Governor Jeb Bush called Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo “a nut” for comparing Miami to a “third world” country. Cuban-Americans and other minorities who vote Republican in the fond hope that the American Right will accept them should reconsider. The American Right is about exclusion and […]
Iraq Roundup Us Military Announced 3
Iraq Roundup The US military announced 3 more US GIs killed by guerrillas on Thursday. The Arab League ambassador in Baghdad, Mukthar Lamani, said Thursday that in the previous week, 250 prominent Iraqi personalities have been assassiated. They included five tribal leaders from Diyala province who participated in the Reconciliation Conference last weekend in Baghdad. […]
76 Bodies Found In Baghdad Dozens More
76 Bodies found in Baghdad, Dozens More Killed Attacks on Teachers Roil Education Raed Jarrar argues that the Bush administration’s plans to ally with the Kurds and the Shiites and crush the Sunni Arabs in Iraq won’t work. He is right. He also points to the continued political alliances across sectarian lines, which show that […]
Hashimi Bush Blackmailed Blair On
Hashimi: Bush Blackmailed Blair on Timetable Sistani Said to Back New Coalition A US Marine died of wounds received in al-Anbar Province on Monday, the US military announced. Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi of the Iraqi Islamic Party said Tuesday that he thought George W. Bush had “blackmailed” or “brainwashed” British Prime Minister Tony Blair. […]
3 More Us Troops Killed Violence In
3 More US Troops Killed Violence in Iraq at ‘All Time High’ The deaths of three more US troops at the hands of Sunni Arab guerrillas were announced on Monday. Iraq violence is at an all-time high since the US “turned over sovereignty” to an Iraqi government June 28, 2004. USA Today writes, “The Pentagon […]
More On Elliot Abrams Censorship Of
More on Elliot Abrams’ Censorship of Leverett The Last Hurrah has imagined the content of Flynt Leverett’s squashed opinion piece on Iran, based on his past pronouncements on the matter. Thanks to Daily Kos for taking up the issue of the quashed Leverett memo/petition and my call for people to write their representatives and senators […]
Bush White House Censors Op Ed On Iran
Bush White House Censors Op-Ed on Iran Elliot Abrams Must Go Steve Clemons of the New America Foundation carries the story of how Elliot Abrams and others at the National Security Council in Bush’s White House have intervened to stop the publication of an op-ed in the New York Times by Flynt Leverett. Leverett himself […]