10 US Troops Killed, Dozens of Iraqis While US politicians were mesmerized by the Iraq Study Group report, the Iraqis went on with their bloody civil war. See the next entry for the hyperlink. AFP reports on responses to Baker-Hamilton by Iraqi politicians. The main concern seems to be a) that the US will pressure […]
Arab Reaction To Isg Report Usg Open
Arab Reaction to the ISG Report The USG Open Source Center translates and analyzes the pan-Arab media on the Baker-Hamilton report: ‘ FYI — Pan-Arab Media Treatment of Baker-Hamilton Study Group Report on IraqMiddle East — OSC ReportWednesday, December 6, 2006 T19:38:34Z Doha Al-Jazirah Satellite Channel Television in Arabic, independent television station financed by the […]
Reprint Edn
Reprint Edn.: 10 Things Congress Should Demand on Iraq In the light of the issuance of the Iraq Study Group report, I thought readers might be interested in comparing it with the 10 suggestions I made in August of 2005 for a course change in Iraq. Alas, I no longer think that the US military […]
Regional Conference Prepared Iraqi
Regional Conference Prepared Iraqi Military to Assume control within a year Gates Confirmed The US now has a secretary of defense who knows that we are not winning in Iraq, who wants to do something about it, and who doesn’t think nuking Iran is just a dandy idea. Although his involvement in Iran-Contra dogged Robert […]
Al Hakim Us Troops Should Stay Urges
Al-Hakim: US Troops Should Stay; Urges harsher Measures against Sunni Guerrillas Al-Zaman reports in Arabic that Iraqi Shiite cleric Abdul Aziz al-Hakim for the first time expressed his opposition to the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, after his meeting with US Secretary of State Condi Rice. He said that the Iraqi government wants US […]
Talabani Hakim Reject Intl Conference
Talabani, Hakim Reject Int’l Conference 9 GIs Killed The US military announced that Sunni Arab guerrillas have killed 9 GIs in Baghdad and al-Anbar over the weekend. AP says that 71 bodies were found in Baghdad and other cities on Sunday. AP also reports that President Jalal Talabani, Foreign Minister Barham Salih, and leader of […]
Rumsfelds Shocking Memo Over 100 Dead
Rumsfeld’s Shocking Memo; Over 100 Dead in Sectarian Violence The NYT has gotten hold of a memo by Donald Rumsfeld detailing options on Iraq. Several things struck me about it: 1. Rumsfeld doesn’t understand the magnitude of the crisis or the tightrope the US is walking in the Gulf. His attitude is almost lackadaisical. Doing […]
Bus Stop Massacre Kills 20 Sistani
Bus Stop Massacre Kills 20; Sistani Aide Warns against Violence, Blames Arab T.V. On Saturday morning, an empty fuel trucker slammed into people waiting at a bus stop in al-Wahada, 22 miles south of Baghad, killing twenty persons and wounding 15. In his Friday prayers sermon, Shaikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbala’i, a key aide to Grand […]
Dozens Of Bodies In Sinjar And Baghdad
Dozens of Bodies in Sinjar and Baghdad 40% Increase in Violent Deaths in November AFP says that political violence left nearly 2000 dead in Iraq in November, a 40* percent increase over October. The number of wounded, however, fell substantially. AFP says that these numbers come from the Iraqi government. In fact, survey research has […]