Demonstrations on Thursday Face Repression Egypt’s Mubarak Criticizes Washington HOw will the Mubarak regime deal with the protests planned for today against the lack of judicial independence and the rigging of elections? My article on the increasing annoyance Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is showing toward Bush administration policies in the Middle East is out in […]
National Post Retracts Minorities
National Post Retracts Minorities Badge Story on Iran Antonia Zerbisias follows up on the the bogus National Post story about Iran having passed a law requiring Christians and Jews to wear badges identifying them as such. She notes that The National Post has retracted the story, saying: ‘ Our mistake: Note to readers Last Friday, […]
Iran Revived Persecution Of Bahais 54
Iran: Revived Persecution of Baha’is 54 Arrested in Shiraz One unfortunate consequence of the bogus stories about Iran making minorities wear badges is that it could obscure the real human rights violations toward minorities in Ahmadinejad’s Iran. There is disturbing evidence that Iranian government institutions are beginning to track and monitor the Baha’i religious minority […]
Iraqi Currency My Comment That I
Iraqi Currency My comment that I thought Amir Taheri was wrong to praise the stability of the Iraqi dinar, because the dinar is a managed currency and does not float freely, brought a rebuke from someone more knowledgeable about currency issues than I. Collier Lounsbury maintained that the stability was genuine and owing in some […]
Shiite Mosque Bombed Weapons From
Shiite Mosque Bombed Weapons from Bosnia flood Iraq Zarqawi’s Emirate of Baghdad Tribal clashes south of Baghdad at Suwayrah killed 16 on Tuesday. I presume that these casualties were announced late in the day, and are in addition to the 41 killed in sectarian violence on Tuesday, according to AP. If I am right, that […]
Bin Laden Moussawi Not 911 Hijacker
Bin Laden: Moussawi not a 9/11 Hijacker Anyone who has actually read a transcript of anything Zacarias Moussaoui has said has immediately recognized that he is not a high-powered al-Qaeda operative on the model of Muhammad Atta. In fact, anyone who has half a brain has been able to see that Moussaoui is just mentally […]
Critique Of Us Policy In Iraq Bush
Critique of US Policy in Iraq Bush Administration policies in Iraq have largely been a failure. It has created a failed state in that country, which is in flames and seething with new religious and ethnic nationalist passions of a sort never before seen on this scale in modern Iraqi history. The severe instability in […]
Maliki Calls For Most Coalition Troops
Maliki Calls for Most Coalition Troops out by End of Year Well, there are two versions of Iraq’s future. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki suprised visiting UK PM Tony Blair with an announcement: “Mr Maliki said British troops would hand over responsibility in two provinces to Iraqi security forces by next month and that he expected […]
Black Psy Ops Campaign Against Iran
The Black Psy-Ops Campaign against Iran The Iranian regime is despicable in its lack of respect for basic human rights and in its regimentation of its citizens into a rigid theocracy. But it is no more of a threat to the United States than Burma or the Congo, both of which are just as oppressive. […]