Iranian Paramilitaries Pledge to Defend Iran Since the US military has most trouble with asymmetrical forces and paramilitaries, it is worthwhile noting that Iran’s paramilitary forces, the Basij and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, are threatening a Long War of attrition against any foreigners who try to come into the oil-rich Khuzistan province. An American […]
Lying And Ordering Others To Lie Bush
Lying and Ordering others to Lie Bush not only continued to lie about mobile biological weapons labs in Iraq even after weapons inspectors discovered that the story was false. Now it comes out that he also ordered the information itself to be suppressed: ‘ A year after Bush administration claims about Iraqi ”bioweapons trailers” were […]
Mearsheimer And Walt Again Mearsheimer
Mearsheimer and Walt Again Mearsheimer and Walt on the “Israel Lobby and American Foreign Policy” stay in the news. The Forward’s Ori Nir did an excellent piece on anxieties in the American Jewish community about Bush’s attempts to tie his aggressive comments on Iran to the protection of Israel. This is also interesting: ‘ more […]
Basra Police Chief Dismissed 8 Bodies
Basra Police Chief Dismissed 8 Bodies found in Najaf The political violence in Iraq continues apace. 11 bodies were found dead in Najaf. One of them was an Iranian. This according to al-Hayat. A roadside bomb killed an American soldier Saturday morning. Basra Governor Muhammad al-Wa’ili suspended his police chief, Major-General Hassan Swadi, for being […]
Recommended Blog Take Look At All Of
Recommended Blog Take a look at All of this . . . and Nothing.
4 Marines Die Fadila Withdraws From
4 Marines Die Fadila Withdraws from Government Friday’s guerrilla violence was relatively muted, though there were bombings and killings. The most serious incident was a firefight in Dhulu’iyyah between Shiite and Kurdish units in the Iraqi Army, which left 4 Iraqi soldiers and 7 civilians dead. Four Marines died when their tank rolled off a […]
3 Gis Killed Government Postponed
3 GIs Killed Government Postponed Guerrillas set off bombs to kill 3 GIs in Hilla on Thursday. At least 15 Iraqis were also killed (-al-Sharq al-Awsat). Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani cancelled Friday prayers for Shiites in Zubayr this week to show solidarity with Sunnis mourning the assassination of one of their clerical leaders in the […]
Bush Founding Fathers Were Just
Bush: Founding Fathers were Just Kidding About Fourth Amendment .President Bush apparently thinks that the fourth amendment of the US Constitution (i.e. the US Constitution) doesn’t have to be taken seriously, because he is invoking “national security.”
19 Dead In Violence Walkout In
19 Dead in Violence Walkout in Parliament over Shiite Ringtone The Iraqi civil war took at least 19 lives on Wednesday, including especially in the Baqubah area of Diyala province. Five of Iraq’s most dangerous guerrillas fled the Susa Prison in Kurdistan yesterday. that a Sadrist member of parliament had set her cell phone ringer […]