Sunnis Reject US-Iran Talks Propose Oversight of Prime Minister Small protests were held by peace activists throughout the US and the world on Saturday. Some 7,000 came out in Chicago, e.g. In London, AP estimates 15,000. (There have been bigger anti-war protests in London). NYT says 6,000 came out in San Francisco, but few of […]
Sistani On Homosexuality Andrew
Sistani on Homosexuality [Andrew Sullivan has linked to this post, but makes three errors in as many sentences. 1) This is not a defense of anything. It is an explanation. Since I condemn Sistani’s stance as “sick,” I don’t understand how it can be viewed as a “defense.” 2) Sistani is not Islam. Sistani is […]
Right Blogosphere Scammed By Bogus
Right Blogosphere Scammed by Bogus Document Dump Maha at Daily Kos has it right. It is falling down funny. The Right blogosphere is going crazy about this document [ pdf] in the Iraqi documents made available by the US government this week. See also Sadly No. The notorious liar, Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard […]
Aipac Impact On Us Foreign Policy
AIPAC Impact on US foreign policy Political scientists John Mearsheimer (U of Chicago) and Stephen Walt (Harvard) bravely take on the issue of the pro-Israel lobby in Washington and the way it distorts US foreign policy in the Middle East. Most American Jews deeply disagree with the policies advocated by the American Enterprise Institute, the […]
Several Us Soldiers Killed Pilgrims
Several US Soldiers Killed Pilgrims Targetted AP reports several incidents of sectarian violence on Friday, including concerted attacks on Shiite pilgrims heading to the holy city of Karbala. Al-Zaman says that by next Tuesday there will be 3 million Shiite pilgrims in Karbala for the 40th day mourning rites after the anniversary of the martyrdom […]
Bush Affirms Policy Of Preemptive
Bush Affirms Policy of “Preemptive” Attack Bush reaffirmed Thursday his policy of willingness to strike first against states he considers enemies. There is a real problem of definition here. If Bush means that he will strike at terrorists whom he has good reason to suspect of imminently carrying out an attack on the US, then […]
Usiraqi Attack On Samarra Region
US/Iraqi Attack on Samarra Region Parliament Sworn In Saddam Hussein’s call at his trial for Iraqis to unite, stop killing each other on sectarian grounds, and attack US troops instead is likely to be very popular in the Sunni Arab region. The ineptitude of this tribunal is astonishing– the US and its Iraqi allies have […]
Halabja Riot Against America Kurds In
Halabja Riot against America Kurds in Halabja went on a rampage on Thursday, protesting the Kurdistan Regional Government’s inattention to social services. They assaulted the monument to the victims of Saddam’s 1988 gas attack, an attack they said that the local government always used to excuse its ineptitude. Security sources told al-Hayat that a boy […]
Saddam Was Trying To Capture Zarqawi
Saddam Was Trying to Capture Zarqawi The Bush administration repeatedly made the presence in Iraq of Abu Musab Zarqawi a pretext for invading the country and overthrowing Saddam Hussein. They implied that he was a client of Saddam and that Saddam had arranged for hospital care for him. Newly released documents from the captured Iraqi […]